Multifunction DAQ

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PWM with NI 9264

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Understood Thomas.  My current rate is satisfactory and it seems to me that the is the primary contributor to the execution rate like you stated.  Awesome.  Moving onwards..  I recently fused by sensor readings vi with this swept sine frequency reponse vi and came up with an issue.  My DAQAssistant input VI seems to be running a bit crazy and shutting down right after startup.  I believe the Samples to Read and Rate of the DAQAssistant vi is reading too slow since the Analog Output VI is in the same loop even though I decreased these rates/samples to very small values. (50 samples at 50Hz)   This added code can be found in the bottom right corner inside the case structure under the "Added Sensor Input" comment.


DAC conversion attempted before data to be converted was available.

Decrease the output frequency to increase the period between DAC conversions, or reduce the size of your output buffer in order to write data more often. If you are using an external clock, check your signal for the presence of noise or glitches.

Task Name: _unnamedTask<14EC>


I would appreciate your help.





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Message 11 of 14

I have been searching through the forum and have been running through a lot of documentation and have found that people have had similar issues to me with AO/AI running side by side and with no real solution.



People have stated that they found a work around by adding a DAQmx Is Task after the DAQmx Write VI or switching the AO from DMA to Interrupt, or using the onboard memory but none of those solutions worked.


However I have found documentation specifically pertaining to my error (-200018) which can be found here in the attached continuous buffered generation pdf on page 13 but with no stated solution...  Hoepfully you can provide further assistance.  I would assume you would be able to have AI and AO running side by side but I may be mistaken..



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Message 12 of 14
Accepted by topic author TechnicRC

Hi Robert,


In order to keep our documentation straight and to better help our customers, we recommend posting different questions to different forums. This allows the forums to be better searchable, as the title of the forum and the actual problem addressed therein, correspond. 


I realize you are still working on the same application, but since this appears to be an entirely different issue than the issue for which this forum was first created, it would probably best benefit you and other customers now and in the future if you were to create a new forum post to address the (-200018) error. 



Best Regards,

Thomas B.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

Most definitely.  Will do!  




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Message 14 of 14