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cDAQ 9174 with NI 9213 modules gives Statuscode -88302

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Hey Guys,

i don't know if this is the correct section, but i hope i get an answer anyway.

I use 9174 cDAQ in combination with 9213 modules for Thermocouples. The DAQ is connected to a PC via USB. NI Max shows both the DAQ and the Modules. While the Connection to the DAQ seems fine, the Modules show Statuscode -88302: An internal Error occured. The Windows device Manager shows the modules, so i assume it isn't a connection issue. I've tried multiple times Disconnecting, Restarting the PC and DAQ, Restarting NI Device Loader, Reinstall DAQmx, Deleting NI Max Configuration, but nothing worked. 

Some further Informations:

DAQmx Version 18.1

Windows 7



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Accepted by jan1992

I was able to find this:


It looks like a possible driver issue.


If that does not help the NI site search shows plenty of results if you search for -88302. 

Or do a Google search for:    LabVIEW Status Code 88302


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Like i wrote, i did that several times. Took me three days. I upgraded, downgraded, repaired, uninstalled and installed. Somehow it worked, but i can't say why :).


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