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tdm files in 7.1

I have a PCI-MIO-16XE-10 interface with my equipment and running LV7.1.

I'm simply hooking up 3 differential channels to read the x,y,& z outputs from an ATMI loadcell.

I wrote a code years back that uses a while loop with an AI-1scan that reads the 3 channels with no problem.

While attempting to use the TDM-write feature, LabView locks up, kicks me out.

I went to the examples folder, pulled up the to access the vi but I am unable to access and expand it's functions.


Any suggestions?  I was hoping to find a "patch" or something but I'm not sure where to look.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10
Is there any other NI software installed on this computer?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10
No....just LabView 7.1.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Are you using the functions from the File I/O - Storage palette? Is the example you're referring to "\examples\file\storage.llb\Write TDM"?


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

I've tried it two ways.

My first attempt was with a blank .vi.  Opening the functions pallet from the block diagram, I access the "all funtions," then the little "floppy-disk" icon for File I/O, then the 3D-cylinder looking icon.  From there, when I try to insert the "open" or "write" data express vi, I get the "LabView.exe as encounterd a problem" message and asked to tell Microsoft about the problem.  I'm sure this is on Bill Gate's highest priority.....but I digress.


Thinking I could develop a work-around, my next attempt was to open the actual example cited in the turtoial. 

My path to the file is: C:\\Program Files\National Instruments\LabView 7.1\examples\file\storage. 

From that .llb, I'm offered to open the "write  While I can open the example, each time I try to expand the write or open express vi, my cursor turns to an hour-glass.  I am able to replace the simulated signal with the Daq assistant and configure my 3 channels but I am not able to access either the the "open" or "write" express vi's.  Coincidenatally, whenever I hover my cursor over the "write" vi, my CPU usage (veiwed from TaskManager) jumps from 5% to 90% & 100%.


My next attempt is to access the vi directly from the install CD's.  At this point, I'm thinking something didn't install properly.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10
Well, that didn't work......(see above post).
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

If you think something maybe have been corrupted with your installation of LabVIEW it would be worth trying to repair the installation.



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

I tried the "repair" technique, reinstalling 7.1 only.  Still getting the same problem with the "hourglass" and system CPU usage going tthough the roof.


I went back to the original computer where I had installed the software.  Don't worry NI, I'm not using that computer anymore.  I upgraded my main computer......the old one is just waiting for the junkpile.  Anyway, I get the same problems there.  Actually, it's a little worse because I can't even get the "write TDM" to show up on the block diagram.  This is probably due to the Celeron processor which is why I decided to move my Labview data acquisition to an actual P-4 processor.


With the system's CPU usage going crazy, could it be my system's resouces that are inadequate?  I'm on a 2.4Ghz P4 with 2Gb's of RAM.  In it's day, around the time LV7.1 came out in 2004, it should have been fine.


Any other suggestions?



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

A 2.4GHz P4 with 2GB or RAM should be more than enough to run that example.  What operating system are you using?


I ran the Write TDM File example in LabVIEW 7.1 on my system (2.33GHz Core 2 Duo; 2GB RAM; Windows 7).  The CPU usage spiked briefly to ~25% and the memory usage statistic didn't even seem to be affected.  The example took about one second to run.

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Thank RB.  I'm not sure what's going on.  While the feature is not crucial to my data acquisition, it's 'tickin me off' that I can't get it to run.



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10