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How to do Flex-Rigid PCB using Design Suite?



I intend to create a flex rigid PCB project. Can this be done with design suite? 

If so, please advise me how or where to look the information. 


Thank you, 


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hello Rodolfo,


Thank you for posting on National Instruments forum.


Can you give us more information about what you want to make?

I am no sure that you can create a flex rigid PCB with the Design Suite...

I will give you som update as soon as possible.


Kind regards



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
Hello Florent, thanks for your reply.

I have in hands a project for a 6-8 layers board with a big connector to be installed in a metalic box.
Due to mechanical stress constraints, the connector can not be soldered directly on the PCB and then bolted to the metallic plate of the box.
The process must be done using independent wires (crimping the connector) or using a flex extension on which the connector would be soldered.

Traditionally the flex-rigid PCB can be created using an inner layers pair with a flexible material.
On each side another pair of rigid meterial (FR4) is then glued to a part of the flex pair, leaving some areas flexible and others rigid, creating a 6 layer PCB with flex rigid extensions.
On the tip of the extension, another rigid part would receive the connector soldered and easily attached to the panel with no stress on the solder joints of the pins.

Flex rigid PCB are getting very common. CAD packages should be updated to comply with the market needs. This link gives a good idea of what I need:

The Design Suite does not allow the individual layer size selection and definition of the material. Even the distance between layers I did not find a way (another post on the forum).

Hope to clarify the need and the limitation encountered.

I thank you in advance should you have any suggestion or solution.
Message 3 of 6

Any news on this rigid pcb design needs yet?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Rodolfo MI have a similar problem but no easy way to solve it.  You should post this, as an idea on the idea exchange.  I'd up-vote it in a heart beat.  

Message 5 of 6



I've spoken to one of these rigid PCB mfrs and what you can do is in Ultiboard, is simplay specify a Mechanical CAD layer and create a polygon to designate which areas are needed to be rigid and which layers need to be created with 'flex' substrate material.  


Some common things to do for traces inside the 'Flex' area:

- Keep traces straight if possible

- If components and pins are included in flex area, make sure teardrops are added in these regions.


Also include any specific instructions to them (required bend radius, etc...)


Yes, I've seen tools that have the 'visualization' ability to show what PCB areas are flex/rigid, but according to the mfr I spoke with, this basic method should work and be adequate for getting the board manufactured.


- Pat Noonan

National Instruments

Message 6 of 6