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changing the default trace clearance??

How do I change the default trace clearance in UltiBoard?  Right now I can only figure out how to do it after the trace has been routed.  I am routing manually.
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    I have found the only way to do it is when you import a netlist.

    I have suggested to the UB software team that we need drop down menus to allow you to select comman trace width quickly, but alas it neven seem to get incorperated.

    I am still using Ultiboard7. I do not have confidence in uiltiboard 8,9 yet.


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Message 2 of 5


Thanks.  It would be nice to be able to make "universal" settings to things.  I am a new user and am chalking up the hard times understanding their logic to the learning curve.  Of course the old software I knew worked well but it could not work with such small parts without rounding numbers which was not a good thing at all!

I tried to chance the clearance settings in the spreadsheet view at the bottom but that did not make the clearances change on the board.

I have also noticed that if I change the clearances around the vias that the change does not show up on the board until I close and reopen the board or drag the ground plane a little bit and then put it back where it should be.  After doing this, I then see the changes to the clearances.

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Message 3 of 5
In Options>>PCB properties>>design rules, you can universaly set the default clearence settings for pad,via,trace and copper areas (this is in V8 and 9)
Is that what you are looking for?

Message Edited by AdamB on 08-09-2006 04:29 AM

Applications Engineering Team Leader | National Instruments | UK & Ireland
Message 4 of 5
If are working with a netlist, you can set up your default trace on the spreadsheet view.
Select View-->Spreadsheet view if your spreadsheet is not on, click on the Nets tab and locate the Trace Width column. 
Use the shift or Ctrl key to select multiple traces at the same time and change it to the desire value.
If you look on the toolbar at the top, by default you should see a field that has "Automatic ( some number)"  this field is your current trace width setting.  Before you route or while you are routing, you can type in any value in this field and Ultiboard will use that value as the trace width.
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