Multisim and Ultiboard

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shift code

I would like to ask that I wrote this progarm on Multisim for Pic16f84 which sends bits of Data Via Pin 3 of the pic but it doesn't work, maybe there is some modifications?
2) if I excute this program without ( Device clock or CLK crystal or source), maybe that means internal oscillator, how to know the CLK?

#include <htc.h>;

int cnt, shift=0;
int byte_start=0b10110101;

void delay (void)
for (cnt = 0x00; cnt <= 100; cnt++);
void setport (void)
TRISB = 0x00;
TRISA = 0xff;

void main()
while (1)

for (shift= 0x00; shift <= 8; shift++);
PORTB|=(1<<3)&((byte_start>>shift)& 1);



; } } }

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What do you mean when you say "if I execute this without", did you try it without the clk?

There is some good example on NI web page about the  16f84  you can look at, here is the link: 



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