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Low Cost USB DAQ Driver for use with Raspberry Pi®

I solved my own problem - for anyone else having the same issue, the "segmentation fault" error was caused by not running the binary files as root. You must use "sudo" before the commands given in the article.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Dear forum and NI team,

I'm currently using a Raspberry Pi with the mentioned files to obtain readings from the USB-6609.

Work great so far..

But... during installation around "tar xf install_ws.tar -C /", which I assume installs the webservices, I encounter the following error (translated from German) "Tar: Doesn't look like tar file... Jumping to next header.... Stopping process due to previous error..."... Inside the /var/www folder I only can find added files called "in", "out" and "state"... They are of zero size and aren't populated with results if I run the " ./600x -c 0 -t 10000 -l 6" command...

One more question: Are the other analog channel fully functional (ai1, ai2, ai3) ??

Any ideas regarding this problem ??

Kind regards

Niels Göran

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21


Quick response, the other channels are working, I am looking into the ws.tar file issue. You are right this is meant to install the webservices. In, out and state are perl files that output other xml files that are generated with the web service option of the code.


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

Hey Mike,

thank you very much for your answer and your investigation...

One more question though..

Is there any time base obtainable from the measurement, i.e. writing time of measurement and measured voltage to the command line or a file ?

Thanks !

Kind regards

Niels Göran

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21

Dear Mike,

one more observation, which I encountered during testing the driver..

I use a function generator to create sine wave, trig wave and square waves as well as slopes...

Setup: 40 Hz, 3 V Vpp, no offset, no phase

When use the following command, the values in the file after the first 20 or so, are constant at -5 something V.. (see attachments)

sudo ./aiondemand -c 0 -s 1000 -t 10000 -v > test.log


When I instead only show the results on the console, as follows, everything is fine..

sudo ./aiondemand -c 0 -s 1000 -t 10000 -v

This leads me to believe, that the output to file is "too fast" for the DAQ..

When I use a combination of console and file putput, like such, everything works fine again..

sudo ./aiondemand -c 0 -s 1000 -t 10000 -v | tee test.log


Using simple timing tests, it appears that the maximum sampling rate is at around 12 kS/s. Is that the maximum or is there anything to increase this value ?

Kind regards and thank you very much for the driver and the help!

Niels Göran

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

Hi Mike,

first of all... happy new year and all the best for 2014.

Hopefully this thread is still active:

Mike, you wrote " ... Quick response, the other channels are working, ..." Is this also true for the NI USB 6008. At our system the ai0 and 1 are working correctly, but the measured values of ai2 and 3 are always to low. The trend is correcty reproduced. Any idea?

Thanks and best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21


Can I program Raspbertt Pi using labview?



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21

Hi Mike, is it possible to do continuous sampling across 8 AI channels simultaneously? If the current driver didn’t support that, is there any plan to do so?

Thanks & regards,


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

Hi, is it possible to support the NI-USB 6000 with an update?

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

Is there any more work being done on this rPi driver?

We are planning on using the latest much more capable quad core rPi as a front end data taking device using the OEM USB-6009. The functionality looks to be analog only. Will we be able to control the A/D scan rate? Multiple Channel Scanning? Digital I/O? Analog Output? Counters?

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Message 20 of 21