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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

These instructions are pretty good from the PLC side. Just replace your assembly indices.


0 Kudos
Message 101 of 125

I thought it was all set up but it just won't work, I keep getting the error in the screenshot below.  I have even tried changing the Instance to 100 to try and get the I/O data returned but get the same error.  I am however able to get the identity of the NI driver with Service 0x01, Class 0x01, Instance 1, Attribute 0x00 so I know the MSG function is working with the correct path and destination element.

Before anyone says something, I know the dialog box is not wide enough, but the Destination Element is a valid SINT array that is large enough to receive the data.


David Gaylord
Controls Engineer
Howmet Aerospace
0 Kudos
Message 102 of 125

I have a project I am controlling three LinMot linear rotary motors (PR01 84x240F-C-100).  Each motor requires two drives( B1150-ML-IP), one for the linear axis and one for the rotary axis.  So in all I have six servo drives connected to one control bus module (B8050-ML-IP) that I am communicating with through Ethernet IP.  The bus module is capable of controlling up to eight drives, however I am only using six.  When I am using the Ethernet IP vi's Get Attribute and Set Attribute I get an error when using the instances (16 read & 26 write) LinMot shows to use in their user manual (see the attached Page 20/24).  The manual says I am supposed to be reading 26 bytes and writing 32 bytes per drive, for a total of 156 bytes and 192 bytes respectively for 6 drives.  When I run I am only reading 18 bytes when I should be reading 156 bytes, 26 bytes for each drive.  Also when I attempt to write (instance 26) I get the error as stated earlier (see attached).  I am wondering why I can only read 18 bytes and why I get the error when writing.  Also I am using class four attribute three. IP error.jpg

0 Kudos
Message 103 of 125

Hello everbody,

I have an issue using the NI-Industrial Communication for Ethernet/IP toolkit.

I'm trying to communicate with a rexroth Bosch device with implicit message, so the device can be only an adapter for EIP for that I have to use LabVIEW built code as scanner for EIP.

I found somewhere that the toolkit doesn't support scanner mode, so I don't know how to deal with the problem.

We already purchased the toolkit especially to control the rexroth Bosch device.

Can someone help me?

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 104 of 125

Hi nausfaratu,

I recently tried to used the NI Ethernet/IP driver from NI in order to communicate with a Fanuc M20iA robot using this communication protocol. I couldn't able to read / write. I tried configured the robot as scanner and also adapter, but either way, no luck.

I will really appreciate for your early reply.



0 Kudos
Message 105 of 125

Hello. I am trying to read a few user defined tags from an Allen Bradley PLC (1756-ENT2) and I'm getting an array of 8bit ungined integers in LabVIEW. Do you know how to decode the integers. I am reading from tags with real/decimal values.

0 Kudos
Message 106 of 125

If you are reading a single tag defined as a SINT, INT, DINT, or REAL the Tag Read vi should provide the correct data type at it's output.  if you are reading a tag which is defined as a User Defined Type then you will need to recreate the structure of the UDT in your code from the unsigned bytes.  I've done it by getting a subset of the U8 array, reversing the resultant array, then Type Casting the reversed array to the correct DataType.  A SINT would use a length of 1 and a INT would be a length of 2.  Hope this helps!


David Gaylord
Controls Engineer
Howmet Aerospace
Message 107 of 125

That was exactly what I was looking for! Thank you very much!

0 Kudos
Message 108 of 125

Dear Sir,

I want to communicate an Ethernet IP protocol based hardware with cRIO. Please give some guidelines to getting stated with Ethernet IP protocol

Thanks & regards,


0 Kudos
Message 109 of 125


I am trying to communicate Allen Bradley Control Logix with LabVIEW 2014. Downloaded Ethernet IP library.

Firstly, started with Class 1 programming i.e. Assembly.

Have following doubts:

1. What should be session name

2. How to set Ethernet generate properties at PLC side

3. Is there any setting or programming required at PLC side apart from setting connection parameters

Can you please give some examples for the same.

Amit Amrutkar
0 Kudos
Message 110 of 125