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Welcome to the LabVIEW Robotics Environment Simulator.

The easiest way is opening the manifest (.xml) file,  finding the object and changing the color there directly.

Message 11 of 14

Didn't think of that,

Thank you Superjing!

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14

Has anyone used the simulated U-blox gps in a simulation environment project? I noticed that the latitude and longitude don't update very often. My code is running in a timed loop at a period of 1 second. I have the indicators displaying 20 significant digits so I can see the change, even if it is minimal. When I run the code the latitude is -122.309989929199219, and it takes 18 seconds for it to change to -122.309982299804687. This is a difference of .00000762939. Meanwhile the robot has moved at least 1/6 the length of the environment.

Are these accurate numbers? I feel that there should be a bigger difference, and the numbers should change somewhat as the robot moves. Is there a conversion to local coordinates that I should use?


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Message 13 of 14


When I try any example the Robots don't move. For example in the "multiple robots in a maze" example, when I run the master .vi of the project, the simulations starts but the robots don't do anything. It is something I'm missing?


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Message 14 of 14