NI Linux Real-Time Discussions

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9068 up-time question


There was some discussion on up-time for the 9068.  How often is NI recomending restarting the target?  What is a reasonable estimate for up-time numbers?  Can I assume that my 9068 will run my application for years assuming that my application does not cause system instability?

I suppose I'm asking: since the Linux and RT PREEMPT patch that have been applied should stay stable for years, can I assume that all of the additions that NI has made will also be stable for years?



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Message 1 of 5


While working with NI Linux RT targets, the only stability-related issues we've encountered have either centered around system memory filling and the LVRT runtime is killed off to free memory or they've been issues we've dug into and fixed or worked-around (including upstreaming fixes when found in FOSS components). We specifically test for memory use and leakage with some longer-running tests (days to weeks).

I don't think NI has pushed targets running an application until failure, but my personal experience has been that the only reason a reboot has been required on released software has been the need to install new software through MAX (or testing a new kernel). There have been occasions where the target hs been running for weeks or months (idle without a running application) and I am able to connect and deploy without issue. I am far from the typical customer, so take my empirical evidence with a grain of salt.

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Message 2 of 5

BradM, thanks for your response.

Is there documentation as to the published maximum up-time we can expect?  We are working with an application that requires the device to not be rebooted for years, and want to know if the 9068 is the right solution.



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Message 3 of 5


Any solution that allows user configuration/customization/development is going to have some limitations of flexibility, provisos on expected reliability, or both. NI Linux RT and LabVIEW RT is no different, however it tends to fall more on the side of permitted flexibility with notes and documentation on how to best achive performance and reliability.

There is no reason that a well-designed application wouldn't run for years without issue, but I'm not aware of a published maximum uptime that one could expect. That's outside of my wheelhouse for certain, and I'm not even really sure where such a document would live. I'd recommend checking with the NI support forums or contacting your local FSE for more details.

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Message 4 of 5

Got it.  Will follow up with NI and post back anything I find.


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Message 5 of 5