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Can't format 9068 disk

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So after getting my shiny newish cRio 9068 out again (the last met a salty end) I managed to somehow corrupt something. It will now only start in safe mode with an 'Improper Installation' message . Tried to format the disk in NI MAX and got an error message 'Error while reading from the local disk. The file may be corrupt or not present' (see picture). Any ideas how I can get round this and reinstall NI Real Time?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hmm, that's no good.

Do you mind sharing how you got the thing in that state? Did it also involve salt, simply not quite as much as to be fatal?

I'd recommend giving the following a try:

  • Connect a nullmodem serial cable to the controller's Port 1 (console port)
  • Start your favorite terminal emulator, pointing at the port that is connected to the target (115200 8n1)
  • Press-n-hold the reset button until the status light illuminates (this forces console-out)
  • From the console, run nisystemformat -f -t ubifs -c -r -n none
    • Run nisystemformat -h for details on the options listed
  • When finished, reboot

With any luck, this should get you back to a reasonable state where you can use the device.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Nope, no salt water involved this time. Was just sitting on my desk running some code, the program crashed and network connection was playing up so I switched off power (which might have not been the best thing to do). When I started the device it was in the state described above?

I followed instructions using PuTTY but connected through ethernet rather than a serial cable. Seemed to run a format but I'm still in the same situation with an 'Improper installation' message. I still can't install any software through NI MAX.

I'm happy to use team viewer for a remote connection if you want to have a closer look?

Any ideas?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Accepted by jamie_mac

This seems like an issue within normal use of NI hardware, so I think it's well within the realm of the normal support forums/phoneline.  These forums, as I see them, are about pushing the controllers beyond what NI officially supports.

If things still can't be sorted through the normal support channels, we'll come back to trying to figure out what's amiss.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Brad

Yes I think you're right. I've started process of going through NI suppport channels and as such, have marked the question answered. Thanks for the help anyway.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi All.

Took a while to get this sorted and then post answer but eventually solved by Haris_Okanovic on the NI discussion forums. Apparantly there is a bug in MAX which prevents formatting in some cases. This has been logged. Untill fixed if this happens to anyone solution is

nisystemformat -f -c -t ubifs

nisystemformat -f -t ubifs


Restart MAX and you should be able to format device from there and reinstall software.

Full discussion is

Message 6 of 6