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Mounting a folder

Thanks, I would love to try that but my cRIO can't connect with the web address. So I downloaded it and tried to use webdav to send the file onto the cRIO.

I tried to follow the example to create a simple Put code as seen below. It runs without throwing an error, but when I check to see if the file is in the Linux directory it isn't there.

I tried running the example code without the tdms specifications in the /files/etc folder and it downloads the files until it hits an unknown error.

Simple Put Code.png

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 32

With that snippet of code, it put the .ipk at the root folder of the target (/). When you log into the device, it will put you at the admin user's home directory (/home/admin). Check to see if the ipk file is where I expect it is with

ls -l /

This will list the content of the root directory of the running system. If the ipk is indeed there, you can move it to the admin user's home directory with

mv /cifs[press the tab key to use tab-completion] . (the "." means "the directory I'm in")

Then try to install using

opkg install cif[tab]

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 32

It wasn't at home/admin

admin@cRIO:/home# cd admin

admin@cRIO:~# ls -l

total 0

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 32

Hi guys,

When I see that message,

admin@cRIO:/media# opkg update

Downloading es.gz.

wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused

you should probably check if you are behind a proxy (especially if you are on a company/university network).

Are you connected to the cRIO thanks to a corporate infrastructure or is it a direct link to the PC?

BTW : It is important to know that opkg relies on wget... and the embedded shell provided with linux RIO product is based on busybox. The busybox version of wget doesn't support wgetrc files so if you don't force it with the env settings http_proxy configured properly, your proxy will reject the connection.

export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxy.ext:port/"

then try again the opkg update to check if you can access to the "outside world" from your cRIO.

For a one shot use, you can directly type that on a ssh command line (as a root user) or add that to your bashrc. If you modify your bashrc don't forget to source it.

(Nevertheless, it is not a good idea to use cleared credentials in files on a day to day basis from an IT security perspective! you should use a more decent version of wget using proxy settings such as the GNU one).

It may or may not fix the main issue, but anyway you should be able to use opkg to install additional package as proposed by Brad!


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 32

I definitely think I coudn't acess that web address because I am on a work network. So I am trying to put the file onto the cRIO using webdav in order to install it which isn't working out too well. But I'll try your way too.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 32


LJHerskowitz a écrit:

I definitely think I coudn't acess that web address because I am on a work network. So I am trying to put the file onto the cRIO using webdav in order to install it which isn't working out too well. But I'll try your way too.

That's quite good news indeed. To my mind it smells "proxy settings" issue. So you should have the whole stuff fixed if you can add your credentials to the target.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 32

Hey SB,

I tried it your way and that didn't work. Here is the dmesg after I tried to change the proxy settings.

[520606.845122] Status code returned 0xc0000234 NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT

[520606.845169] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13

[520606.859745] Status code returned 0xc0000234 NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT

[520606.859794] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 32

LJHerskowitz wrote:

It wasn't at home/admin

admin@cRIO:/home# cd admin

admin@cRIO:~# ls -l

total 0

Please check to see if the .ipk is at the root folder of the device, e.g. at "/cifs_3. 3.9-r4.9_armv7a.ipk". If it is, then move it to the /home/admin folder with "mv /cifs_3. 3.9-r4.9_armv7a.ipk /home/admin"

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 32

LJHerskowitz wrote:

Hey SB,

I tried it your way and that didn't work. Here is the dmesg after I tried to change the proxy settings.

[520606.845122] Status code returned 0xc0000234 NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT


You may need to talk with your IT dept to see if the account in question is locked, as the kernel messages seem to imply

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 32

So to recap a bit: I am having trouble mounting a folder onto a windows 7 computer from the linux target. The problem may be that I don't have the correct package to call the CIFS in the mount command. So I am trying to put the file that BradM linked on the previous page, but I am having trouble. When I use the WebDav put command, no errors occur but I can't find the file anyway. When I use the web browser - Remote File Browser and try to upload the file it gives me an error as seen below

Remote File Browser.png

Any ideas?

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Message 20 of 32