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Update libsqlite3-dev on OPKG

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Thanks, Scott.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

What's the difference between that and "packagegroup-core-buildessential-dev"?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

"-dev" packages usually contain headers, static libraries and other artefacts needed if you want to do development work on the tools/libraries installed by the main package (i.e. if you want to do work on the stuff contained in packagegroup-core-buildessential)

Btw. "-dbg" has the debug symbols.

Message 13 of 15
Accepted by topic author Staab_Engineering

Thanks to everyone at NI for helping us figure this out. Here's our final solution for anyone else looking to get a newer version of SQLite than is currently on the opkg server:

(Note: You'll have to change the URL to point to whichever version of hte library you want.)


# Notice:


# Due to the limited memory available on the cRio-9066, we had to first uninstall most of the NI software packages installed before running the make script.



#this is to get the dependencies necessary for the sqlite install

#wget is to make --no-check-certificate work

opkg install binutils

opkg install binutils-symlink

opkg install packagegroup-core-buildessential-dev

opkg install wget

opkg install make-dev

#get the sqlite tarball

wget --no-check-certificate

#untar it

tar -C /home/admin/ -xf sqlite-autoconf-3081002.tar.gz

#remove the tarball

rm ~/sqlite-autoconf-3081002.tar.gz

cd ~/sqlite-autoconf-3081002

#compile sqlite



make install

cd ~

rm -r ~/sqlite-autoconf-3081002

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 15

# Due to the limited memory available on the cRio-9066, we had to first uninstall most of the NI software packages installed before running the make script.

Untested, but it might be sufficient to temporarily set overcommit to the default, instead of uninstalling software:

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15