NI Linux Real-Time Discussions

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uname -r

I am brand new to Linux, so I am thinking this will be an easy questions. uname -r should give me the kernel release. I get


as a response. Can anyone break down what that means?

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  • '3.10.31' represents the Linux kernel version.
  • 'ltsi' represents the Long Term Support Initiative, a set of patches that bring bug fixes and driver support improvements to stable versions of the Linux kernel.
  • 'rt29' refers to the release of the SCHED_RT patch that improves the real-time performance of the Linux kernel.
  • '2.0.0f0' is an NI designator -- the '2.0.0' represents the LabVIEW 2014 release of the kernel, and the 'f0' represents the first final (i.e. not alpha or beta) build.

Hope that helps!

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