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Can we call vi from labview user library directly in teststand?

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I am trying to call one of user labview library from teststand directly. I am getting some errors while running (Catpure.png file attached).


If I create labview file and use this library vi inside labview with same inputs this and then use this labview in teststand, then teststand is happy (capture2.png, capture3.png).


I would like to know if I can call labview user library vis directly in teststand or should have to create my own vi and call this lib from there? Can anyone let me know?




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author HemaKV

Hi Hema,

In general, calling VIs in an LLB (LabVIEW library) from TestStand works fine. I have attached a sequence that makes calls to a VI in an LLB and a VI outside one. This works as expected.

The error you are getting is probably a result of some other problem. Please add more details regarding the error, the TestStand and LabVIEW versions you are using and if you have set the LabVIEW adapter to use LabVIEW RunTimeEngine or LabVIEW development system.

PS: The image you have attached shows the step setting for the VI call and it seems to be loading fine (no error provider indicating a load error). If the step throws an error only when run, then please attach a snap shot of the error dialog that comes up and/or the report which has the error details.

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Message 2 of 3

Hello TRJ,


Thanks for your reply. From your example, it looks like possible, after seeing yours, I tried with different vi from my library.

It worked. May be there was something else which was causing the problem.


Since it worked when I called that vi as subvi, I thought I was doing it, obviously not. Thanks for your time.




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Message 3 of 3