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Display user groups and privileges

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Hello world!

I'm trying to build with LabView a custom operator interface for TestStand. I've already realized a VI whose front panel contain a listbox where are displayed all available TestStand users (see attached file). Once selected a user by clicking on its name, it is displayed in the string control.

Now, besides displaying selected user name, I would like to display: in a listbox, the list of groups (Administrator, Operator, ...) to which selected user belongs; in another listbox, the list of privileges owned by selected user.

How can i do this?



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Message 1 of 6


try to consider this KB, this forum post and this one for some examples.

I hope this will help!





Message 2 of 6
Accepted by aRCo

Thanks LiciaP!

Following your suggestions too, i succeeded doing what i wanted.

See attached VI for the solution. Considering that i'm a novice, i ask if someone can check the block diagram in order to suggest code organization improvements.


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Message 3 of 6

aRCo wrote:


i ask if someone can check the block diagram in order to suggest code organization improvements.

You need to ask in the LabVIEW forum. Smiley Wink

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2024 🙂 )
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Message 4 of 6



Just a few points.


When I run your VI and pressed the Exit button I received a number of not released objects message:-


References to PropertyObjects were not released properly.
    Total number of objects: 3
    Number of top-level objects: 3

    Note: Some top-level objects may be included if they are referenced by
    an incorrectly released top-level object. For example, an unreleased
    SequenceContext object references a SequenceFile object.

    The following top-level objects were not released:

        PropertyObjects [3 object(s) not released]
            PropertyObject #1:
                Name: Members
                Type: Array of Strings

            PropertyObject #2:
                Name: Members
                Type: Array of Strings

            PropertyObject #3:
                Name: Members
                Type: Array of Strings

Basically your while loop was iterating for 4 but I only had 2 users setup, therefore the GetNumElements was 0 for 3 of the groups which generated 3 PropertyObjects which were not released because the for loop wasn't being performed.


So I have put the for loop in a case statement (see attached)



You have a number of GetEngine calls which you could aviod using by just passing the Engine reference in from the Initial GetEngine.


You have a string array in a for loop and a const controlling the number of iteration, use the size of the string array to do that job


Not sure why you have 2 Operator entries in the Groups array as you stop the loop at the first one.




Ray Farmer




Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 09-11-2009 09:52 PM
Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6



I had a little play with your example (this was using LabVIEW 8.6)


User name_groups_priv.PNG




Ray Farmer

Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 09-15-2009 09:59 PM
Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 09-15-2009 10:02 PM
Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 09-15-2009 10:03 PM
Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 09-15-2009 10:04 PM
Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6