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Error selecting LabWindows CVI Adapter Configuration

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I am trying to step into Lab Windows CVI 2012 from TestStand 2012.  When I attempt to configure LabWindows CVI Adapter to

c:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2012\Adapter Support\CVI\tscvirun.prj the window changes the path to

c:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2012\Adapter Support\CVI\tscvirun.prj and displays the message that it can not find the file.  I am using window 7 if that makes a difference.


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Message 1 of 7

Hi herbertwatson,


The behavior  you are seeing when selecting the CVI Adapter path is actually expected behavior. You can actually verify this if you open a File Browser and enter C:\Users\Public\Documents and press enter. It will self modify the path to be C:\Users\Public\Public Documents.


There may be other settings and issues that could be causing this however. If you could post a screenshot of the actual error that will be a good starting point for us to work with to figure out why tscvirun.prj is undetected.


Also, is this a 64 or 32 bit machine?

James W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7

The computer is 64-bit machine.  Attached are the screen captures I receive when I save select the addater and answer the first prompt yes.


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Message 3 of 7

The error says it can not find "tscviprj.ini".  I have searched my c: drive and it is not in any of the downloads.  I have also done a search of the NI Support site and can not find a place to download this ini file.


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Message 4 of 7
Accepted by herbertwatson

Hi herbertwatson,


I attached my tscviprj.ini. I have both TestStand 2010 and TestStand 2012 installed on my machine but the ini was only in the 2010 directory. It is possible there just needs to be one ini for TestStand to work with any CVI install. Try placing this in the same directory as your tscvirun.prj for 2012.


If that does not work, it may be worth reinstalling CVI, then TestStand.




James W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 7


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Message 6 of 7

Thank you


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Message 7 of 7