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Expression.Evaluate() - how to use it with propertyobject?

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I code in a process model callback and would like to evaluate an expression with the Runstate.Caller context.


I found the method 

Expression.Evaluate ( evaluationContext, evaluationOptions = EvalOption_NoOptions)


This is exactly what I need. However, if I have a CallingStep.Expr, which is a expression, I can't access the Evaluate() function. It is not available, only the PropertyObjects functions are.


How can I cast it to be an Expression so I can access the function Evaluate?!


I though I could do:

Runstate.CallingStep.Expr.Evaluate(Runstate.Caller, 0x0)


This would return the expression evaluated in the caller context as a PropertyObject.


But it's not the case, I'm missing something so TS know Runstate.CallingStep.Expr is an Expression... even if I add it to Watch panel, it shows it's an expression...


Thank you.

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author MatLaroche



Try to use RunState.Caller.AsPropertyObject.EvaluateEx(xxx)


Hope this helps



Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
Feedback or kudos are welcome
Message 2 of 6

Thanks, I didn't though of do it this way.


This is one way to achieve it, by doing something like:


Runstate.Caller.AsPropertyObject.EvaluateEx(RunState.CallingStep.TS.CustomResults[1].Name, 0x0).GetValString("", 0x0)


This retrieves the string representing the additionnal result[1] name of my step, which is an expression using local variable in the sequence.


Thanks j_dodek.


If anyone would like to also add a comment about using Expression.Evaluate() properly or an example, it would be appreciated.



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Message 3 of 6

Hi Mat,


Just for more understanding

you wrote:  I'm missing something so TS know Runstate.CallingStep.Expr is an Expression


Is this your "Expression" a Statement step Type ?  

Or is your "Expression" in every Step in Pre/Post/Status or other in stuff


Could  you provide a screen shot that descripes what you are looking for.

I do not understand it.






Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
Feedback or kudos are welcome
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Message 4 of 6

I have an object of type Expression (from what I understand and from what the watch panel is showing) and I was expecting to be able to use the Evaluate() function.


Expression.Evaluate(seqContext, options)


But it seems that it's a propertyobject because only the function of this type are available.


I've attached a screenshot. Thank you.

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Message 5 of 6

The Expression type in the API is not the same as the Expression type of a PropertyObject.  The Expression PropertyObject type really is just a "labeled" string that lets you know it's supposed to be an expression.


To create an API Expression Object, you need to call Engine.NewExpression.

Message 6 of 6