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Expressions to Customize Report File sometimes does not work

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I am using expressions to customize report file name



but it behaves in a random way. Sometime works as expected sometime a reportfile name is the same like the expression, it seems it is not evaluated:



because it could be that I need to switch folder during runtime, therefore I set the variables in the Cleanup of the PreUUT


Any idea why it behaves randomly?
(TestStand2019, 64bit)



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Is it possible that the randomness you are describing lies in race conditions due to using the Parallel Model...


Please check if you see that effect also when the model is configured for a single socket!


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I am running only single socket now (later I will switch to multyple sockets)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

You should be wrapping your expression in a Evaluate() function call, otherwise you might be relying on TestStand implementation that Evaluates the expression twice.


Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author Raybie

After some investigation I was able to find the step was causing the issue.
It is NI_ReportGenerator.seq -> "Determine UUT Report File Path Expression" step



I tried to change the list of the macros during runtime compare to what it is set initially in ReportOptions subsequence.
It seems it is not allowed.

Whatever list of macros we set in the in ReportOptions we cannot change it later during runtime.
Other values in the expression can be modified

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Message 5 of 5