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Find all called modules

Whenever I execute my sequence for the first time in Test Stand (using either the Sequence Editor or starting the TestStand Engine by using an operator interface) it takes about 50 seconds to load all called modules. It seems to me that this is too long. Is there a way to get a list with all the loaded modules (I like to check if only the called modules are loaded)? How can I speed up this process?
FYI I am using the Run Options "Preload when execution begins" and "Unload when sequence file is closed" and I like to keep this options this way!

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Message 1 of 7
Martin -
The TestStand Engine does not export any API that allows you to determine what the currently loaded module are, or whether a specific module is loaded. If we had it would have been an IsLoaded property on the Module class.

The only way to speed up the first execution time is to limit which modules are loaded up front. As I think you already know, you can do this per sequence file or per step. If you want to target the modules that are not typically run, you will have to do this manually by inspection of your sequences, or look at a report that is generated from a run and use that to determine which sequences are normally run and their steps.

I hope this helps...

Scott Richardson (NI)
Scott Richardson
Message 2 of 7



I'm curious if this option is available yet in 2012 or 2014?  Sure would be handy for troubleshooting performance.



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Message 3 of 7

Hi Scott,


Me, too.





Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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Message 4 of 7

I don't think there is a builtin way to get a list of loaded modules (you might want to post a request to the idea exchange), however recent versions of teststand do display a progress dialog if module loading takes more than a few seconds (at least if you disable the sequence analyzer first), and this should show you if a particular module is taking a long time to load. See the TestStand help for "Preload Progress Dialog Box".


Hope this helps,


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Message 5 of 7

Hi Jeff,


currently (TS4 to TS2014) i am doing this with a workaround.

I am using the SequenceFilePostStep- Callback. With that i am able "scan" the executed step

and add if neccessary to a list of used modules.

see also:






Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
Feedback or kudos are welcome
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Message 6 of 7

So let me understand...  You are just grabbing a list of modules that were opened but may or may not be currently open.  That will help too.  Maybe I can store a reference and check the reference to see if that module is still there and close if it is.  Thanks for checking into this. 🙂



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Message 7 of 7