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Is there a way to keep Deployment Utility from modifying sequence file paths?

While the Deployment Utility appears to be a great tool, it does some things that I'd rather it didn't. One is that it modifies all paths in sequence that it is including from Absolute to Relative. While this is a nice feature for many reasons, it is a show-stopper for our uses. This is because as part of our distribution process, we also use a checksum routine to verify that the sequence files being run by the operators on the Test Stations we deploy to are running the correct (unmodified) version of the test software. By using Absolute paths, we can detect and prevent accidental editing/changing of the sequences or paths that we have deployed, but if we have to use relative paths that is something that we could work with also.
So my questions are: 1. Can this path update 'feature' be disabled? and 2. If not, then will pre-setting all paths in a sequence cause the deployment utility to only copy the file and not update it (thus changing it's checksum)?
I'm going to test the latter when I have time, and if there are any other suggestions that might be useful, I'm love to hear them.
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Message 1 of 8


There is currently no way to prevent the deployment utility from modifying absolute paths, however if all paths are relative to the sequence file then the in TestStand 3.5 the sequence file will NOT be saved 3.1 and older versions always save the sequence files.   Relative to the sequence file is the best path to use because it is at the top of the default search paths.   Using relative paths is better than absolute paths because your system can still work if a user installs things to non-default locations.   


-Rick Francis

Message 2 of 8


In my experimentation to see if using relative paths, I was able to prove that a sequence that uses them will not be updated - with one caveat; if the path that is referenced by the sequence is not itself in a sub-directory, i.e.; it's in a different branch of the relative directory structure with respect to the Target (such as the TestStand directory), then the sequence file is always updated and re-saved. An example is that we have a sequence in the Tools directory that calls a DLL in the FrontEnd directory of the Components\User path. This re-saving causes a checksum change and screws up our verification mechanism. 

It is unfortunate that I cannot prevent the deployment utility from modifying sequence files - Since we control the entire Test environment, including the location that software gets installed to - Test Station custodians can't go installing the software in a different location, or worse, multiple locations, so we don't have the issue to worry about.

Because of this 'better' method, we now have to re-evaluate how to control the installed version of the software, or use a different installer, such as CVI, which while it has been working for us, has it 's own issues that we're trying to get away from. I'm glad that I am finding out about this now before I've locked down the sequences so that I can probably move the features in the Tools to the Frontend Callback sequence. 

It's almost always the case thought that one persons forced enhancement is another's 'feature' or worse 'bug'.

Thanks for confirming the behavior on the Deployment utility for me.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
I will look into adding a feature for the next version of TestStand to suppress updating files during the build.   For now I could make a special build of the 3.5 deployment utility that never saves sequences, projects or workspace files.   Would you be interested in such a build?  If so what would be the best way to contact you directly to arrange it?
-Rick Francis
Message 4 of 8


I would be interested in this and you can contact me at any of the following that work for you:


Jack T. Morgan

Principal Test Design Engineer


P.O. Box 868

Mail Stop: NCA01-6218


Phone: 603.885.3724

Page:  603.423.4318

Thanks for at least looking into this - If you actually get something that is functional, we would be happy to give it a try.


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Message 5 of 8

I am updating out test stand to use TestStand 2013 and am trying to use the "No File Update" version of the Deployment Tool that the original poster (my coworker Jack), had forwarded to me. Would it be possibel to get a version of that tool that will be compatible with TestStand 2013 software and file paths?


It is something that we need so our checksums, which we use for validation of files, will work correctly.


Please let me know if this is available, or if there is some setting in TestStand 2013 that will prevent the deployment utility from modifying sequence files.




John Corrado

Test Design Engineer

BAE Systems, Inc.


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Message 6 of 8

This issue can be resolved using the standard TestStand 2013 Deployment Utility.  After configuring the deployment, let TestStand analyze the source files. Then, in the Distributed Files tab, check the box labeled "Include without processing item or dependencies" and build the project.



Message 7 of 8

That worked perfectly for me.  


Thank You!



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Message 8 of 8