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Is there a way to sort easily sequences by name in the sequence editor?

I want to sort my sequences by name. It really doesn't matter the order because I am calling those sequences from a main sequence. I am using TestStand 4.2, I saw a previous question for an older TestStand and I was hoping that maybe this function was added to newer version.



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I don't believe there is a function, you will have to generate your own and maybe add it to the Tools menu.



Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer
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There is no explicit function to do this but as Ray was saying you could write your own. Here's a link to an outdated discussion forum describing the process 


sort sequences in a sequence file


Updated for TestStand 4.2 you can do this by instead of using the ActiveX API use TestStand expressions. You can determine the number of sequences in your sequence file by calling SequenceFile.NumSequences. Loop for each of the sequences and get the name by using SequenceFile.GetSequence (Number index).Name. Sort all of these names using your favorite sorting algorithm and then remove them and insert them back in the sequence using SequenceFile.RemoveSequence (Number index) and SequenceFile.InsertSequenceEx (Number index, Object Reference sequenceToInsert). The RemoveSequence Method will return the Object Reference you need for InsertSequenceEx.




Steven Zittrower

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 3 of 4
Here's an example of how to do it with activeX (Labview 8.5)
CLED (2016)
Message 4 of 4