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Loading binary file from MySQL to Teststand

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I have binary files stored in a MySQL database that i would like to load into Teststand so that i can send the data into a DLL call (programming with a JTAG). The question i have is if there is any way to do this with the built in database connection steps in teststand? Does anyone have any experience trying this? As far as i can tell the database steps only handles numbers, strings and booleans and not arrays (at least this is what my testing has led me to believe). Is this correct or is there any way to do this?




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Nimgaard

Nimgaard -

The TestStand database step types do not have any advanced features to work with binary data types from databases and to allow you to define how to interpret the data and then store it in a TestStand data type. You will need to use a code module that will read the data out of the database and either assign the data to a corresponding TestStand datatype, or just have the code module use the data if it does not need to be stored in TestStand for later use.



Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3


I suspected as much. Thank you for the swift response, i will look into using code modules instead.


/ Nimgaard

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3