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Pass Fail test MemberType

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If I modify programmatically a pass fail test, I used Step.AsPropertyObject.SetValNumber(“TS.SData.Call.MemberType”, 0, -1), the step is modified with a number: (2147483647),  expected value :  “Do Not Call”


If I try with other argument: 1 (Call Method), 2 (Get Property), 3 (Set Property) it’s works well.


Someone have a solution to my problem?


I used TestStand 4.0


By advance thank you for your help



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5



I don't know exactly what you are expecting to do programmatically, but you should use the ActiveXModule class. Try somthing like this :


Step.AsPropertyObject.AsStep.Module.AsActiveXModule.MemberType = 1   // or an other valid value


Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

First, thank you for your answer.



I add programmatically in a new sequence, a passfail test step, and I change programmatically the step’s properties


NewStep.AsPropertyObject.SetValNumber(“”, 0, “RunState.Engine”)

NewStep.AsPropertyObject.SetValNumber(“TS.SData.Call.InterfaceName”, 0, “Step”)

NewStep.AsPropertyObject.SetValNumber(“DataSource”, 0, “My true/false test”)


The step in the new sequence is well modify, but with the following one, it doesn’t work:


NewStep.AsPropertyObject.SetValNumber(“TS.SData.Call.MemberType”, 0, -1)


I want to configure the new step with “Do not call”, this step works well if I used argument 1 (Call Method), 2 (Get Property), 3 (Set Property), but don’t want to get or set a property, I just want to run the step and have a pass fail test in the new sequence.


I hope my explanations are clear.


Best regards



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Accepted by Romuald123

Okay, this could be a solution (tested with TestStand 4.2.1) :


NewStep.AsPropertyObject.SetValBoolean("TS.SData.Call.MakeCall", False, 0x0)


Let me know if it's ok for you...

Message 4 of 5

It's ok for me thank you very much, very helpful 🙂


 Best regards



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5