NI TestStand

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TestStand with 8 sockets

I am building a test station based on a rotary indexer. It will have 4 sub-stations: load/unload, vision, functional and reject. What is the best way to structure this in TestStand? I was thinking about creating a complete sequence with 8 sockets (2 sockets in each station). This way I could have the same sequence running all the way, taking each DUT through all stations. All pairs of DUTS would have to be synchronized each time I need to index the table. Is there an example or a better way to do this?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


What version of TestStand are you using? Do you have a specific question about an issue that you are having? Are you trying to figure out how to connect and run the tests on each of the stations? Please explain you application a little more so that I can better assist you.




Perry S.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


I'm a new engineer in matters of TestStand, and I have made the maintenance to a bank similar to what you describe. Could you splain me what DUT means??

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

I am using 2010 version of TestStand. My question is very general. Typically our systems use the following flow:

1. Load DUT (device under test) or DUTs, scan serial number(s)

2. Test

3. Pass/Fail indication and Load/Unload


This station will have:

1. Load 2 DUTs

2. Advance the table

3. Scan bar code on Station2

4. Load 2 DUTs on Station 1

5. Perform Vision on Station 2

6. Advance the table

7. Load 2 DUTs in Station 1

8. Peform Vision on Station 2

9. Perform functional tests on Station 3



My question is how do I setup TestStand to make this easier. I am thinking 8 sockets (2 DUTs per station) and parallel execution. Each pair will maintain its own flow.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


1) Is your TestStand application going to be on station 3 running the functional tests?

2) Is your TestStand application supposed to control all steps 1-9?

3) Are you going to have 4 stations that are running steps 1-9?

4) Are you using any hardware to control the stations?


Let me know.




Perry S.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Hi Perry,


Thank you for your interest.


My anwsers:

1. Yes, there's 4 logical stations (on a rotary table every 90°), physically it is 1 PC controlling all this.

2. Yes, no PLC or any other controller.

3. Again, 4 stations are logical locations on a rotary table. 1 PC with TS and LV controlls all of it.

4. There's IO signals that I will have to monitor to advance the table, activate green light, activate the reject conveyor etc.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


Which steps would you have LabVIEW perform? TestStand will automate it but you will need to decide.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


This can be acheived by the NI parallel model.

That way you can run the same sequence ( multi threaded to 8 sockets) throughout your test.


You will need to synchronise between pairs of sockets ( something similar to the rendevous step type).For synchronisation you can use flags ( fileglobals or stationglobals).


Each pair of socket can finish its work for a given sub station and wait at the end.

It will set a synchro flag at the completion of its current sub station job.


The sequence to rotate the UUT can work in a seperate thread spun off initially itself .When all the synchro flags are present this sequence will rotate the UUT by one unit and reset back the synchro flags.It will do this in a loop.


Some logic will be required to take care of the first time ( when only socket 1 and 2 is active) and the last time.


Hope the above helps.




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Thanks SunRS,


I am stuck again trying to come up with a way to synchronize rotatation of the table. What's the best synchornization method to do this? Can I use a method that exists in TestStand or use station or file globals? How do I start a single thread sequence that would take care of that?




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Hi Cimteker,


Are you trying to use the batch model and at the same time create an extra thread that controls the table? You could use the batch synchronization steps to specify an action that is true for all sockets. You would have to perform the action in only one of the threads. Focus on the one thread only option. Here are some documents that talk about it:


Synchronization Step Types


Batch Synchronization Step Configuration Dialog Box


I hope that this helps.




Perry S.


Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12