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automatically modified sequence

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I'am facing the problem that a sequence, that formerly loaded without a problem in that teststand-2013  installation, now is automagically modified when loaded. And i'am  not able to find a difference with the differ tool with loading the sequence, starting  the differ and comparing the loaded sequence with its on disk version:


 And i have disabled "Automagically merge Types":



Any ideas how to proceed further to find out whats happening , when loading that sequence ?

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Message 1 of 3



Which version of TestStand are you currently using? It might be that if you have a newer TestStand version and you load an old sequence file that it only modifies the version number and therefore you do not see any difference. In LabVIEW this is the case and it is marked with a * at the end of the file. You can still save them as older version if you use save as and then select files of type.


Kind regards,


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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author mkossmann

Meanwhile I found the reason: The Common results type had a higher revision. Probably I loaded  a sequence from a nother development system using that higher revision and didn't notice that this  updated the revision of  Common results type on this system.  I managed  to force back the system to use the old revision . However it would be nice, if the differ tool would output a difference  just in versioning, too.

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Message 3 of 3