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Custom Control transparency issues

Hi Stephen,

I have created custom controls for veristand workspace using LV2011.

The problem I am facing is when I place them on workspace window, a rectangular border forms around it and they are not transparent as like other built in controls.

I modified code for calls to windows API functions to make them transparent and I was successful to make them transparent with LV2011 but not on VS workspace.

Please see the below picture about how they appears when placed on workspace window.


My requirement is of around 12 custom controls on one workspace window and problem is of sapce constraints due to above issue.

Please let me know what I need to modify in code to handle the transparency on VS workspace window.

I belive that some of the VS controls are made transparent using function calls to windows API.

Refer the attached file for this custom control VI in LV2011.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi Nilesh!

That control is beautiful. Well done. I would love to see the suite of these published online if that is possible when they are finished.

For questions like this, I suggest opening a service request via

They have helped several people with this specific problem before.

Stephen B
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