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[Group N] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group N. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Mr Kishore A & Mr Subramanyam S (National Instruments R & D)

Click here for the Group Allocation List

Message 1 of 23


i m doing power system project in labview. In that project i like to use multisim for designing function of receiving sector in substation unit. Here using multisim i like to design the working of microcontroller mc16F877a.  If it is possible to interface multisim designed controller with labview?. I need to interface hardware to mutisim for transmitting data to controller and then it process the information and gives it to labview. If it is possible i didnt need the use of external microcontroller it ll be helpful to design a vitrual controller in multisim. pls give some ideas about the interfacing and transmitting data between multisim & Labview.

thank you.

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Message 2 of 23

Hi Rayappa

You can create a LabVIEW based Virtual Instrument in Multisim. You can follow the instructions in this link( You will need NI Multisim 10.1+ and LabVIEW 2010+.

Let me know if you have any more doubts.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 23

thank you sir.. I ll try it and move forward. If i had any doubts i ll contact you...

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 23


At tx section  we've sensor network and at rx side we'll display the parameters using LABVIEW. We also send voice signal from tx if needed to rx.This voice signal is to be converted into text. Is it be possible to convert recognised voice signal into text using LABVIEW? Also can LABVIEW be used to send control signals at tx side?

Do we need to build hardware for tx side or can we build it virtually on LABVIEW?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 23

Hi Rounak

You can refer to this link( for converting Speech to Text.

As for the hardware for transmitter, it depends on you requirement. If you want to generate a signal and analyze on the receiver, you obviously cannot build it virtually. You need to have some hardware and check if you have LabVIEW drivers for the same. One suggestion I have is, you can use ChipKIT( which has a LabVIEW interface. This is the link for the LabVIEW interface. You can also find examples in the link where LabVIEW is used to control LEDs, Thermistors etc. connected on a breadboard on the ChipKIT.


Let me know if you have further queries.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 23


we are going to develop a prototype titled "design and development of hovercraft for landmine detection" that can be useful for military applications for finding anti personal and antitank mines.we  have just started and we want to know whether we have to submit the live demonstration video of our model or just animation video to proceed for the next round by july31.please reply for this mail

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Message 7 of 23

Hi Arun

You have to submit an animation video and also a demo video with whatever is working by then even if its not complete.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 23


     How can interface Labview with GSM unit it need to send the SMS which generated by the Labview output. It is in text format. In our project fault area location and fault type is need to be messaged to service man. where Labview will process and locate the fault and it sends text to gsm unit it ll send to service man phone. pls give some basic ideas to interface gsm with labview.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 23

This has been discussed in the following threads.

You can also use SMS Gateways. More info @

Also next time you can try searching the forums to get an answer rather than wait on us to reply. Let me know if you have further queries.

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Message 10 of 23