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LabVIEW RIO Eval Kit Starter Project (sbRIO-9637)

This LabVIEW 2015 project comes with a precompiled bitfile exposing all of the LabVIEW RIO Eval Kit daughtercard I/O on the FPGA VI front panel and all of the project I/O resources named properly. This project can be used to get started building your own design and allows you to test out all your I/O.

1) Change the IP Address of the LabVIEW RIO Eval Kit (default is the USB connection)

2) Run the FPGA IO Pass

3) Modify the FPGA VI to add logic, signal processing, filtering, etc. to accomodate your signals and application requirements

4) Simulate the logic on Windows using the Desktop Execution Node

5) Recompile if you made any changes

6) Expose the necessary I/O on your LabVIEW Real-Time VI by opening a reference to the FPGA bitfile using the Open FPGA VI Reference VI and write to the available FPGA controls or read from the indicators.

For reference, this compilation used the default 40MHz clock and consumed the following resources:

Total Slices: 33.4% (4436 out of 13300)

Slice Registers: 11.3% (12027 out of 106400)

Slice LUTs: 23.7% (12633 out of 53200)

Block RAMs: 4.3% (6 out of 140)

DSP48s: 1.4% (3 out of 220)

For ease of use, every I/O channel has a corresponding front panel control/indicator. To reduce the resources used in your design, only expose the controls/indicators required to do Read/Write  communication with your LabVIEW RT VI.

This is built for the sbRIO-9637-based LabVIEW RIO Evaluation Kit, the sbRIO-9636 based kit project is posted here.

Deborah Burke
NI Hardware and Drivers Product Manager
Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Thanks. Is there an easy way to modify the project so it replaces the '9637 with the old '9636 eval kit, but keeping all the assignments and VIs?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Unfortunately you can't swap the hardware in the project quite like that. I've posted the sbRIO-9636-based eval kit version of the project here:

Deborah Burke
NI Hardware and Drivers Product Manager
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Message 3 of 6

Thanks, I figured out this much. In the meantime it actually morphed into a more comprehensive discussion here. Given the discussed limitations, it actually works quite well for me and I can work on one RIO target to further develop and test, while having another system deplyoyed controlling an old instrument. I know that the sbRIO is meant for a more comprehensive OEM solution but we are in academia.

(These 70ies instruments are still around and even being sold refurbished, so this might be of general interest to ultimately make a commercial interface box based on the sbRIO, there is nothing modern available. Quite a few labs are still running my PC based program from 1996 written in LabBVIEW 4. That's what WE had now for exactly 20 years, The HD is failing and I just loved to try a RIO based solution. A great learning experience! )

In the long run, I think it would help to fully support this kind of development mode (i.e. same code, alternative hardware) in LabVIEW projects. Currently, there are some lose ends as explained.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Deborah,


Would it be possible to have the LabVIEW RIO Eval Kit Starter Project (sbRIO-9637) in LabVIEW 2017 version please.


Appreciate this very much.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

I need to have all the good working examples codes for 9636 converted to 9637 asap or I WILL RETURN this junk asap.


And why the ethernet connection does NOT work when I got the other setup working with a different network configuration?


Spent hours online and NONE online resources were clear and have enough working details to resolve the BASIC connection. NI MUST release ONE SINGLE WORKING resolution for ONE SINGLE ISSUE.



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Message 6 of 6