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Error code -233900 PXI-4065, no responses, double entry in Devices and Interfaces

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Transferring modules to new PXIe-1084 rack from PXI (embedded pc) rack.  The PXI-6045 gets a red X in Devices and Interfaces and an error code -233900.  It does not respond to resets etc. This is the second system I am upgrading - the first had the same issue but I fixed it after 2 days of trying things.  Now, over a year later, I don't remember what actually worked to fix it.  I've tried deleting its presence, shutting down, pull the card, restart, shut down, install the card, and it remains a problem.  Tried deleting the .INI files. On the working system there is only one line entry for the PXI-6045, problem system there are two:  

First: 3: NI PXI-4065 "PXI1Slot3"  (red X)

Second: PXI-4065 "PXI32::14::INSTR"

Am I correct in understanding there is no NI technical support unless we have a service contract?  


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Message 1 of 9

This generally should not happen, but occasionally the MAX configuration gets messed up. I'd like to know what version of NI-DMM and other products you have in the system.

Please see https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8awSAC for how to reset the database files. Note that this will remove all configurations, device renames, etc., so I would recommend exporting your current configuration first.

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 9

I had tried the reset configuration -- might have been a very bad thing to try - I'll find out from our test engineer.  He performed the primary configuration.  Windows will not assign a driver to the card so I guess Package Manager won't either and just hangs saying nothing to perform.  I tried loading downlevel NI-DMM versions to see if PM would complete, but no.  Components:

PXI-1084 rack, 8381, 6508, 4065, 4492, 2503,5114, 5412,2569,2565.  I have another system nearby that has the same hardware/software and is working.

Last time this happened, like over a year ago, I had phone support from NI.  Is this still possible without a service contract?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

I missed this before, but can you elaborate what you mean about "deleting .ini files"? That's generally not recommended, and could completely mess up your system's installation. If you deleted ones associated with NI hardware, that's not something NI Package Manager is likely to recognize.

I suspect your next steps at this point is likely to uninstall all NI software and reinstall. Hopefully the uninstall will put your system into a clean enough state that reinstall will be successful; otherwise you may be needing a reformat.

Regarding NI phone support, that's not something I can comment on as I don't have knowledge of your account. I would recommend checking via https://www.ni.com/en-us/contact-us.html (either the Open a Service Request or calling in to confirm).

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 9

In the MXI-Express Compatibility and Connectivity Troubleshooting Guide, line item #10 gives the suggestion to regenerate the .ini files by deleting them.

I have removed all other modules and am just using the PXI-4065 in the PXIe1084 chassis with the PXIe-8381 adapter.  I tried moving the 4065 from slot 3 to slot 4 and still get the issue in slot 4.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

To clarify, line 10 says to delete pxisys.ini and pxiesys.ini (nothing else).

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
Accepted by barryklein

I believe I have resolved the basic issue by moving the PXI-4065 from slot 3 to slot 9.  I had tried slot 4 but that failed as well.  Slot 9 was occupied by different/working card so I tried it there and it worked.  I moved the original card to an open slot and now all cards are recognized without error.

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Message 7 of 9

This Error "Status Code: -233900" is very common in our Equipments, at the moment I have the same problem that barryklein mentions, the same has happened to my other two colleagues with different test stations, according to Tobias G, this does not it would be expected to occur, but it does occur frequently.
I am concerned that this will reoccur on our other test stations. I would just hope it didn't have to do too many retries to fix such expensive hardware.


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Message 8 of 9



If you are running into similar issues, I recommend either starting a new Forum thread or creating a support ticket. Otherwise the thread becomes difficult to follow, and it's already marked "Solved".


I'd want to know more system design (NI hardware, software installed, OS, OS bitness, whether you've turned on MXI Compatibility Mode, etc.)

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 9 of 9