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PXI-7833R NI MAX 15.3 issues with alias

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I'm running into some issues with PXI-7833R cards with LV2015 and MAX 15.3. I have to upgrade my system to LV2015 with MAX 15.3 from LV2011 and MAX 5.4. When I upgrade, the alias' for the RIO (PXI-7833R) are unable to change when in LV2011 and MAX 5.4 they are functioning just fine. They remain PXI1Slot6, PXI1Slot8 etc..when they should be RIO0, RIO1, etc..is there additional configuration when programming these cards? My understanding from other research is that the 7833 cards are obsolete and not supported in LV2015, they have to work somehow with LV2015 though right? I'm kind of new to the card, so there isn't much more I know about them. I just can't communicate with them when they are the PXIXSlotX format. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 6

Hi Prius2590,


Could you link me to the materials that say it's no longer supported? I haven't found anything to that effect. To my knowledge all you need to interact with that hardware is the FPGA toolkit and the R Series Multifunction RIO drivers. I'll link to the latest version of the driver below:


NI R Series Multifunction RIO 16.0



Could you link a MAX report for the PXI controller? You can generate one by following the instructions below:

Using MAX Technical Report to Document Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) Configuration Information

Staff Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Austin,

The link stating the card is obsolete is below. I realized that it may be just a suggestion by NI to get the latest card, but I still can't find much in supporting material for the 7833R.

link: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/202009


The existing code does not use a target to reference the use of the RIO devices. I think they're communicating over a server that I'm still trying to figure out therefore the subVIs specific to fpga aren't used, they were made specifically for this system. I guess in the end, I don't really understand how the 7833R cards work and how the RIO devices are interacting with my system.


I attached a zip of a technical report.



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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author IanB2590

Hi Ian,


The card is obsolete, but it's still supported by our software. I don't believe our RIO products ever become deprecated from a driver. Thank you for the MAX report! It looks like the correct drivers and add-ons are installed, though I notice LabVIEW FPGA and compilation tools was installed after the device drivers. Typically, the installation order we recommend is as follows: LabVIEW -> LabVIEW Addons -> Device drivers. This may not affect performance at all but if there are issues down the line, you may wish to try repairing the LabVIEW FPGA and compile tools installation first.


Regarding the issue at hand, I notice in your MAX report that you're using R Series driver version 15.0. This will work with LabVIEW 2015, but not LabVIEW 2015 SP1. I recommend upgrading the driver to ensure this is not the issue. I also recommend turning the PXI chassis off and reseating the cards to make sure they're seated properly. It seems like the PXI chassis isn't associating the cards with the driver correctly.

Staff Software Engineer
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Message 4 of 6

Hi Austin,

Great! Okay, I will give the newer version of the R series a try. I figured the upgrade from 11 to 15 discarded some driver settings and that's what I'm hoping is the reason I'm not getting the cards associated. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks!

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Message 5 of 6



It seemed to be the installation process that was the culprit. I am functioning fully with one RIO. I am just having trouble with how the RIOs are mapped to specific test sockets. I suppose that it's a code issue at this point. Thanks for the help!



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Message 6 of 6