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Problem with Cal Exec 3.0.1 & PXI-4070

I get the following error when running the Cal Exec calibration procedure for the PXI-4070 when it gets to the Verify AC Voltage test

Error -1074001424 occurred at Error -1074001424
occurred at cex_FL5XMCal_ConfigCalibratorOutputAndWait.vi

Possible reason(s):

Value not available

This error code is undefined.
 No one has provided a description for this code,
 or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

Cal Exec 3.0.1 running on WinXP
PXI-1042 Chassis
Fluke 5520A Calibrator

Help please

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Message 1 of 2

I found this posting that may answer your question:


It looks like one of the VIs the Fluke 5520A driver uses involves an older version of NI-VISA functions and needs to be replaced with the new ones from NI-VISA 3.3.1.

Message 2 of 2