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pxi system state unconfigured

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Dear Community,


on start up the pxie-1062Q with a pxie-8130 embedded controller the following black screen comes, with last entry


system state: unconfigured


when I disassemble the controller and reset it by switching the jumper, the following black screen appears.

CMOS Checksum bad …..


press F2 to load default values and continue

If I press F2, winXP starts properly and every thing is OK. But only the system time is false 1.1.2001.

At first I assumed the Battery on board was the problem and change it, but it wasnt.


Anybody an idea what the problem is.


P.S. For two jears everything works properly, but now this issue.


Thanks a lot.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi esod,


the system time reset sounds a lot like a hardware defect or out of power BIOS battery. Since you allready changed the battery, there seems to be another thing wrong.


Have you tried to run some HDD diagnostic program to see, if the drive is running properly?

This should not influence the system time, but give it a try. When the BIOS sees any issues contacting the drive, it may show the system unconfigured message.


Usually this message is seen, when you use the system under LV RT OS and you did not install any drivers and did not configure some network setting, etc. Do you use the system under LV RT OS, too?


Are you able to use any peripheral devices properly, when you boot under XP? Ethernet connection, USB ports, etc


If you discover any hardware issue, please contact your local NI branch office for an repair request.


Best regards,


Best regards,
Melanie Eisfeld
Senior Applications Engineer, National Instruments Germany
Certified LabVIEW Developer
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 2 of 5

Hello Melanie,

thanks for your support.

I didnt run a special HDD diagnostic program only the WinXP diagnostics and defragment service. That show everything OK. Do you know a special tool, or recommendation from NI for pxi systems?


Back to your question, no I dont use LV RTOS, only WinXP. I can use USB ports, mouse, keyboard and USB HD properly. But an USB to DVD drive does not work? Regardless which USB port I use. Maybe to low power supply on USB ports. I am not sure, can that be an indication for a USB fault?


After HW reset, by using the jumper on board. The system runs and make trouble after CMOS checksum bad. Startup is possible with F2, WinXP starts properly. But restart doesnot work.

What I not understand is, why is the CMOS checksum bad?


I discover an additional phenomenon, if I unplug the onboard battery, shutdown system, unplug the power supply, wait for a while, the system have the same behavior like reset by jumper. It starts till CMOS Checksum Bad and stops by the point for user selection F1 or F2.(show previos attachment)


I have two PXI Systems and both makes the same problem?!


Do you have an additional Idea?








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Message 3 of 5

Hi esod,


you can try to run CrystalDiskInfo, too, but the OS diagnostic tools at ok as well.


The DVD drive is no indication, that something is wrong with the controller. I think too, that the power may be too low for the drive to run properly. If you have another drive with an external power supply, you may use this one for another test. But since mouse, keyboard, USB drives, etc. are working well, the USB controller seems to be quite ok.


Could you please one more test about the CMOS issue:

Please start the controller and configure BIOS, system time, etc. so everything should be ok for the controller. After booting into Windows and checking, the time and setting available here, shutdown the controller again and restart. Does the CMOS checksum error happen again?

My thought is, since you changed the BIOS battery, it is possible, that some settings are lost, because the battery was too long not present in the controller. If you did this change in both controllers, this may lead to the same behavior in both controllers.

This may also lead to the aditional phenomenon you discribed.


Best regards,


Best regards,
Melanie Eisfeld
Senior Applications Engineer, National Instruments Germany
Certified LabVIEW Developer
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by esod


Hello Melanie,

you was on a right way, the BIOS settings was lost.


With support from NI, we found a solution here:




First we change the on board battery.

Then update a BIOS firmware, set the correct BIOS time and Boot OS in BIOS. Now both PXIe runs well.


Thanks for support from Berlin site (C. M.) and Melaniee.

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Message 5 of 5