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Electric Vehicle Tethered Wind Turbine Electricity Generator with or without Hydro Energy Storage

This design and its derivatives are open source and free to all. 


Electricity Generation for Challenging Environments: Report and Proposal


More details of the open source design set are being added all the time by myself and other contributors. 


We are actively seeking volunteers to contribute to all aspects of the open source design.


Aire America 92618218.png


Each Electric Vehicle Tethered Wind Turbine Can Provide Electricity to Over 1,900 people. Cutaway view of 12 meter shipping container shows Electric Vehicle Power Generator inside, with tether lines to Power Drone extending from front wheel rim spindles.

FlyJus™ Non-Profit Business Model - Developing World




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Message 1 of 10

Aerial Turbine Transform Detailed Spectragraph




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Message 2 of 10

Brian, I just see a short video in the second post, is there a link I missed to more information?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Good question my friend. I am taking some time to publish open source guidelines for the designs, and the motivation for the designs.


More details of the open source design sets are being added to the internet all the time by myself and other contributors. 


For a working design document that I am actively writing and edited today, please read my Medium.com article which is an open source design document titled Electricity for All.



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Message 4 of 10

First pass business model for total addressable market (TAM) attached.


This document is open source. Peer review, comments, and edits are very much invited and appreciated.

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Message 5 of 10

This is an open source design disclosure. This design and derivatives are open source and free for all.


Betz Arrows automatically regulate air speed & direction for power generating flight near Betz Limit.


Betz Arrow Stabilization.png


B. MacCleery 
736. Betz focal point 
737. Upper and lower Betz arrows, aerodynamic stabilizing and controlling means, left 
738. Upper and lower Betz arrows, aerodynamic stabilizing and controlling means, right 
739. Upper and lower Betz arrows, aerodynamic stabilizing and controlling means, left mid 
740. Upper and lower Betz arrows, aerodynamic stabilizing and controlling means, right mid
741. Betz steering arrow, electronically controlled and aerodynamic stabilizing and controlling means, upper or lower
742. Servo actuated Betz steering arrow gimbal with pan and tilt
743. Betz arrow and motor mounting bracket assembly with differential thrust motor, left 
744. Betz arrow and motor mounting bracket assembly with differential thrust motor, right 
745. Propeller with regenerative power generation capability, left 
746. Propeller with regenerative power generation capability, right 
747. Wing segment with elevon, left left
748. Servo actuated elevon with hinges, left left
749. Wing segment with elevon, left center
750. Servo actuated elevon with hinges, left center
751. Wing segment with elevon, right center
752. Servo actuated elevon with hinges, right center
753. Wing segment with elevon, right right
754. Servo actuated elevon with hinges, right right 
755. Center fuselage section
756. Stabilizing rudder, bottom center
757. Wind vector, left 
758. Wind vector, center 
759. Wind vector, right
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Phases of Power Generation


Airborne wind turbines with ground based generators produce electricity through a long generating phase, which is then followed by a short cable retraction phase in which a small amount of power is consumed. Consistent electricity for the village can be provided by utilizing the internal battery pack of the electric vehicle or a pumped hydro generator.




During electricity generation, the Power Drone aircraft pulls on the tether line and the Electric Vehicle produces electricity for the village, vehicle battery pack, pumped hydro water pump, and drinking water filtration systems. The vehicle “thinks” it is driving forward and downhill, and generates electricity using regenerative braking, when in fact it is stationary.


EV Power Drone Generation Phase.png




During cable retraction, the Power Drone aircraft descends rapidly and the Electric Vehicle consumes a small amount of power from its internal battery pack. During this time, the village is powered using the pumped hydro generator and vehicle battery pack. The vehicle “thinks” it is driving in reverse, when in fact it is stationary.


EV Power Drone Retraction Phase.png


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Message 7 of 10

Attached is a proposal document inspired by the successful deployment programs of IDE Global. Please let me know your thoughts!

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Message 8 of 10

Please find attached the following: 


1. Electric Vehicle Tethered Wind Turbine Report and Proposal

2. Electric Vehicle Tethered Wind Turbine Levelized Cost of Energy Spreadsheet (LCOE) and Total Addressable Market (TAM) Spreadsheet


Your comments and recommendations are invited and appreciated.


We are also seeking volunteers to contribute to various aspects of the open source design.

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Message 9 of 10



Design recording 5996_OPT:



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Message 10 of 10