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Feedback Requested: New Default Object Shortcuts

fairlyFunctional wrote:

Sometimes it's a WAT instead of a WS. For the common ones I've written single-key shortcuts. Anyone else had this trouble? Any appeal for single-key shortcuts?

Oh yeah I've seen this often.  I usually just chalk it up to me being faster than my computer (or rather faster than QD).  So I'll CTRL+Z and try again.  It happens to me a couple times a day. 

As for the single letter shortcut, that is up to you and you can add them.  But as a global setting for all LabVIEW users I'm sure getting an agreement would be difficult.  Should "s" be string length?  String Constant? Empty String?

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Message 11 of 14

I agree with Brian, I figured it would be difficult for us to coalesce around a common item to drop with a single letter. And you are free to modify the shortcuts to be single letter for any objects you wish.

There is one exception, though... I made 'x' be the shortcut for the Multiply function.

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Message 12 of 14

You know what, now that I've slept on it, I think one letter shortcuts could be used for constants.  p - Path, s - String, t - True, f - False, v - Variant, w - Waveform, n - Numeric, d - Double, a - Array, c - Cluster.  I'm not saying it should be this way, but if there were one letter designations I could think of no better things for them to collectively represent then constants.

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Message 13 of 14

Along the lines of constant shortcuts ending in 'c', there seem to be 'loose' rules coalescing out of the list.  For example, all the file I/O shortcuts end in 'f', most of the structure shortcuts end in 's' (should 'evstr' just be 'evs'?).  I can see others that could be added, for example booleans could end in 'b':

ab - And

vb - Or (to follow the 'vae' example)

eb - Exclusinve Or

nb - Not (I realize this isn't fully left handed but I don't think hitting the 'n' key left handed is an unreasonable compromise.)

nab - Nand

nvb - Nor

neb - Not Exclusive Or

Does it make shortcuts easier to remember if there are guidelines or rules to define categories?  It would have to be a short list.  And a loose interpretation because of the shortcuts that don't fit (like 'tsc' which isn't a constant).

(And in my example I'm ignoring the question of whether or not 'ab' is a useful shortcut, I could probably type 'and', even with just my left hand, as fast as remenbering 'ab' is the shortcut.  At least until the muscle memory develops.)

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Message 14 of 14