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Introduction to Quick Drop

The Viewpoint SVN toolkit uses V for something and I remember trying to paste something into the QuickDrop and have it behave strangly so yeah Darren is probably right.

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Message 11 of 17

I have implemented the relevant changes described in this idea some time ago, and while for some reason I don't use plugins as much as I thought I would, I can say that the fact that they appear in the list and are not only tied to a shortcut does appear to be very convenient and should solve at least some of the problem people have here.

It looks like this (the top two are plugins) and it doesn't currently display the keyboard shortcut for the plugin, because I only put little time into it:

QD Plugins.png

Incidentally, the plugin I probably used the most so far is the Wire All Terminals one, and I do use the standard Ctrl+D shortcut to activate it.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 12 of 17

I didn't want to start a new thread for this as it's rather a common matter concerning QD:

After having defined quite a lot BD and FP shortcuts for different functions/structures I thought I'd be a smart boy and just copy the respective entries in the LabVIEW ini file into my other LabVIEW ini files on differents computers. This worked perfectly for all my 64bit installations. But I was greatly disappointed to witness that it didn't work with my 32bit LabVIEWs at all. The reason behind it is trivial but powerful: As a German resident I get my 32bit installation DVDs shipped with German localization. And of course those LabVIEW installations won't have a clue about a function called "Index Array" or "Unbundle By Name" as they only know their German counterpart. Thus my sheepish idea to just C&P the ini entries and have done with uniquely defining the shortcuts across all my LabVIEW computers and LabVIEW versions is just 50% ingenious.

I understand that localization is necessary for NI since it's useful for a wide community who is not speaking English. But couldn't there be done something with "linking" original function names to the localized ones?


Oh, and please don't take me too seriously - just suffering from a major disappointment while my great plan got stumped

Message 13 of 17

I've heard this request before. Currently I have no way to map "original" function names to localized ones. A few years ago I filed CAR 423530 on this issue. I will add a link to this thread in the CAR. If it gets fixed in a future LabVIEW release, then we'll be able to come up with a language-independent way to map shortcuts in QD, so they will work across different LabVIEWs regardless of language.

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Message 14 of 17

That IS something. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

Darren, not that I care about this myself directly, but presumably NI should be able to create a list of all the relevant names and their translations into the different languagues, which people can then use to update the file. This will obviously be version dependent (although new primitives aren't added that often), but the bigger issue will probably be a legal/policy one, as NI might not want to publish such a list, for whatever reason. Can you check to see if it would be possible?

Another option might be to use the palette API to extract the names and IDs in both versions and then match them up, but I don't know if the API includes the IDs (I'm guessing not). I remember trying to analyze the mnu file structure to get this back when I tried to implement my own version of Quick Drop in LV 7.0, and I think at least that did include the IDs, but I don't remember whether I made actual progress.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 16 of 17

not only U!

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Message 17 of 17