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Multiline String to String Array constant Quick Drop

Creation of a String Array Constant can be somewhat tedious. I periodically use String Array Constants as dictionaries but didn't consider the effort to build a Quick Drop shortcut until convinced by RG to give Quick Drop development a try.


I was encouraged to post this Quick Drop at a discussion after the last session at NI Week 2017.


Please feel free to use and distribute it.



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Very neat, thanks for sharing.  For me when I need to make a string array constant, based on an existing table, I usually get it from a Word or Excel document.  With the other QD function Paste To Array Constant I can copy the table to my clipboard, then go back to LabVIEW and perform the QD function which will paste it as a string constant, or a control with those values.  It also supports 1D or 2D arrays, and strings or numerics depending on the data type of the clipboard contents.  It can also paste the data into an existing constant or control.

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