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I am currently using C# to execute your "FrequencySweep" example that comes with RFSA NET 2.6


This function, rfsaSession.Acquistion.Spectrum.ReadPowerSpectrum(timespan, out spectrumInfo) alone takes 0.458 sec for the following parameters

Start Freq    868.35MHz

End Freq     868.65 MHz

RBW            100Hz.


I tried the speed for other RBW value

RBW 100Hz          0.458 sec

RBW  1 kHz          72.8 msec

RBW  10 kHz        52 msec


This is very slow when compared with CVI that takes 50 msec (for RBW 100 Hz) to do the equilvalent function.


In an effort to try a hopefully faster alternative function as followed:

rfsaSession.Acquistion.Spectrum.MemoryOptimizedReadPowerSpectrum(timespan, ref data, out spectrumInfo) but I need more information. Is there an RFSA .NET API documentation??


Any information to speed up this function would be much appreciated.


The PC I am using has a Window 7, 64 bit and Core 3 processors


Best Regards






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Installing RFSA .NET API includes documentation for all the exposed methods and properties. You can access the help by pressing F1 on the particular method/property from Visual studio or you can also access the RFSA .NET help by navigating to start -> National Instruments -> NI-RFSA -> Documentation.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Many thanks for quick reply. Rf tester's PC don't have access to internet. I will install RF drivers in a PC with internet access.


Best Regards


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10



I clicked on the sequence as followed: start -> National Instruments -> NI-RFSA -> Documentation -> NI-RFSA-RFSA .NET 4.0 Help.


Microsoft Help Viewer pop up with the following message


Local Help has not been installed on this computer. To install Local Help, start the Help Library Manager and select either “Install content from online” or “Install content from disk” (if you have media containing Help content).


Where can I install the content from online.


Best Regards


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Hi Shane,


              Can you check if RFSA related msha files(NINETRfsa*.msha and NINETRfsaConcept*.msha) are present in the location C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2010\Help?


             If yes, use NI Help Configuration utlity to install them. You can find the tool in the location C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\MeasurementStudio\Help Configuration Utility.


             Also ensure you are using local help. This option can be selected in the Visual studio 2010 -> Help -> Manage Help Settings -> Choose online or local help -> I want to use local help.




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Message 5 of 10

Hi Sundar,


I install the files using NI Help Configuration utlity. I double checked inside the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\HelpLibrary\content\National Instruments\store\     , and there are many pairs of NIs' MSHI & METADATA files.


I look up in Help Viewer (see attached) and see nothing about the function, MemoryOptimizedReadPowerSpectrum.


Best Regards



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Hi Shane,


I have couple of questions:


              Did you try to open the help from start menu? If help for RFSA opens up in a browser, then you should be able to search for a particular method/property.


              Did you check if RFSA related msha files(NINETRfsa*.msha and NINETRfsaConcept*.msha) are present in the location C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2010\Help?








0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hi Sundar,


There are two RFSA msha files in the location C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2010\Help namely:




I tried open the help from start menu by clicking on "NI-RFSA .NET 4.0 Help" and got the responses in attached files.


Best Regards


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Message 8 of 10

Hi Shane,


              It looks like you have the required help files but am not sure if it is configured correctly. Did you click on NI-RFSA .NET class library link to access the RFSA .NET documentation?


             Please do the following to check if it's configured correctly.


            1.  Open Help Library Manager from Visual studio -> Help -> Manage Help Settings

            2.  Click Remove Content to check if required help content is installed. If you do not find the RFSA help contents, then select "Install content from disk" to install NINETRfsa_helpcontentsetup.msha and NINETRfsaConcept_helpcontentsetup.msha from disk. You can install one at a time. After browsing to the help file, click next -> Add -> Update -> Finish.

           3.  Ensure you have selected "I want to use local help" option from settings.






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Message 9 of 10

Hi Sundar,


I am able to access RFSA NET documentation via object browser in C# Express.


The RFSA help content are there. See attached file.




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Message 10 of 10