Real-Time Measurement and Control

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Spikes in data when FIFO buffer is reduced

The Sample Clock is a clock exported by the CLIP and you'll need to place the AI node inside of a SCTL that uses that clock. However, the Sample Clock is only available in the most recent version of the NI FlexRIO driver.


sample clock.PNG


If you are using an older version of the driver then you will need to use the IOModClock to drive the SCTL that the AI node resides in. See the image I attached in my last post to see which version requires which clock. If you are using an older version, then I recommend going through the 5733 user guide for information on how to setup the IOModClock.




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14



Thanks for the help. Everything is working properly now.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14



As I said previously everything seems to work fine. However, it looks like I cannot have as much logical operations as I had in the SCTL when I was using the 40 Mhz Onboard clock. For example, when I was using the onboard clock I was able to have 3 addition, 3 multiplication operators along with 3 DMO FIFO objects, but when I changed the clock to IOModClock (40 Mhz), all I can have in the loop are 3 multiplication and 2 addition operators. Inserting additonal objects lead to timing violation. Is this expected? If so, what is the difference between the onboard clock and the IOModClock? Thanks for you time.


P. S. I am pipelining to optimize the fpga VI

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

Can you start a new thread? The issue you are seeing is unrelated to the OP.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 14