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ni-9251 ADC long gap between burst om measurements

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Hello everybody,


I'm measuring a signal which has to be followed all the time (with minimal gaps). The module ni-9251 I'm using for that purpose is 24 bit (and excellent S/N).

I'm measuring 1000 points at one shot (burst) and then, when I repeat the burst there is a long gap (~80 ms) between the end of the first burst and beginning of the second one. I have been told by NI support that the module has no memory buffer so the data is in my computer memory, so it shouldn't be such a delay.
Is anybody aware how to lower this time gap (ideally under 10ms)?

Thank you


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Message 1 of 6

What chassis are you using?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

The chassis is cDAQ 9171. 

To clarify a bit, I'm trying to get as much as possible to continuous measurement.


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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Theo88

FYI, since you don't have determinism, this might be the wrong board and you might not get as many or as fast of a response as you want. I think this is the right forum for you:


Have you tried this example? You'll have to adjust the max/min voltage to ±3

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\examples\DAQmx\Analog Input\Voltage - Continuous

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Message 4 of 6

Thank you nanocyte, I worked fine with NI/measurement studio example: NationalInstruments.Examples.ContAcqVoltageSamples_IntClk

I still don't understand the thing about determinism, but now I have under 1ms (that's the timer precision) gaps (between bursts) in continuous voltage sampling.


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Message 5 of 6

Does that mean you solved your problem? If so, you might want to mark the solution as solved. If not, you might be interested in the measurement studio forum:

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Message 6 of 6