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shorten boot time on sbRIO



I'm writing a program on a sbRIO-9636, which should be stand-alone operative. My LabVIEW is LaVIEW 2012f1.

It's been confirmed that my program should be built using "LabVIEW 8.x file layout" in order to be run at start up. The option could be found in categorry "Advanced" in Build Property.


I can now run the program as startup and it may take about 2 Minutes to boot up the system.  During the boot up is the CPU load always over 60% and even 90%. After that it runs in normal operation with CPU load at about 29%.

I've deactivated most of my program and try out whether the CPU load still at this level at boot up. It shows that the sbRIO doesn't care how many functions I have in the program and keeps the CPU load at the same level >60% at boot up and it takes about 90 seconds to run the first task.


What factors may affect the boot up time of the sbRIO (cRIO)? how can I shorten the time it uses to boot up?



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Message 1 of 4

Hello wilburwu


it could help when the FPGA vi is loaded differently

How Can I Have My FPGA VI Run At Boot?


Two minutes are very long have you installed all drivers on the RIO system, reduce this

could also help to reduce the startup time.


How long take a simple vi with a while loop?

best regards
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi Alexander,


I think it could bring something if I load the FPGA separately as the Real-time. But I have to read and write the front panel on the FPGA vi, so I don't think it would be a proper way for me.


I've considered to reduced the installed software on the sbRIO. The problem is I don't know with software could be deleted. Here you can see the software list on my sbRIO. As extractly I have installed the "CAN Frame To Channel Conversion Library" to use the CAN, which should always be installed on the sbRIO.

sbRIO - Measurement & Automation Explorer.png

To exactly describe the boot procedure: it takes 60 seconds to run the first loop of my program, then in the next 45 seconds the CPU load stay over 70-100% and the sbRIO just cannot react on any commands. After this runs the program normally. It may take exactly 105s till the first reaction from the sbRIO.

And here is the small test program on the sbRIO:

sbRIO check.png



Any suggestions?




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Message 3 of 4

Hello wilburwu,


what software should be installed on your rio, is dependent, what you programm need.


Here some examples


Network Variablen Engine --> can be uninstalled if no network variables are in use

NI Application Webserver --> can be uninstalled if no HTML side is hosted on the rio

NI-Serial RT --> can be uninstalled if no serial card is in use

NI Web based Configuration point --> can be uninstalled if you don´t use the webinterface for the rio configuration


Sometimes it could also help to format and fresh install the system.


best regards
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Message 4 of 4