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6200 Error

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I have four Watlow temperature controllers that I communicate with using GModbus over serial and have been using them for many years.  Recently I noticed the code slowing down and I found that the interface vi for the Watlow's constantly gets a 6200 error when reading the temperature or writing the set point.  Even though it gets this error it reports the temperature and I can also send a set point.  I would like to get rid of this error and not simply ignore it but I am uncertain what could be causing it.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author teslac

Hi teslac,


The 6200 error is due to to a bad CRC/LRC on your received data. It seems your data frame is corrupted or missing characters (probably at the end of frame).

This issue may come from the communication between your workstation and your Watlow, or directly from your Watlolw.

This is not easy to fix because it's often introduced by electrical interference or issues on USB to serial converters.


If nothing changed on your hardware, you can also try to increase the timeout parameter or the "time after last character" parameter if you are using RTU communication. It will give more time to your device to respond and send the complete response.


Hope this helps !

Christophe | qmt | Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks, I will give this a try.

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