Signal Generators

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data generation from NI CARD

                                                       How do i generate  a waveform from the data i have in 'MAT' file or 'text' file say, for many number of times continuously/repititively by using NI card BNC-2120???.  For the real time implementation of one algorithm i need this.Thanks in advance for answering.Smiley Happy

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Message 1 of 8
Hi Bharath

This application is quite common and another customer brought it up in a different thread [1]. Your application is slightly different, though, because you want to repeat the output of the waveform. Instead of disabling regeneration like the other thread, I would leave it enabled.

If you would like further clarification, please reply with your questions and the hardware that you're using. So far, you mentioned a BNC-2120, but that is just a connector block. It should be connected to a DAQ card, and I would like to know what DAQ card you're using. Also, what kind of singals are you generating -- what shape, frequency content, duration do they have? What kind of timing requirements do you have -- why do you need real-time?

[1] problem with my output waveform from usb-6215
Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Message 2 of 8
Hi Joe,
             Thanks for your reply. Actually,i am not using any hardware here.My purpose is to generate the   continuous (signal) waveform on CRO with the text data i have.I am using labview for this kind of generation. I am taking analog outputs on BNC-2120 which is connected to the computer,and  observing it on CRO and furthur usage for my algorithm.
                        I am using a simualtion data as a real time one by repititively generating.The signal is fault current waveform data of 16000 samples,frequency=50,sampling period=10 microseconds which is almost sinusoidal with high amplitudes in certain periods.Do you have any suggestions for this.

 Thank you,
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Message 3 of 8
Hi Bharath,

I'm sorry, but I still don't understand your equipment setup. You have a BNC-2120 and an external oscilloscope, the CRO. You have a text file of data points which you want to use to generate the waveform.

I'm not familiar with your CRO, but I don't know how you're going to create this analog output with it. What device will make the waveform? How will you measure it -- with the CRO or with your BNC-2120? How is the BNC-2120 connected to your computer?
Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
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Message 4 of 8
Hi  Joe,
             I  have text file or MAT file data with me.This data is used in one algorithm it is working.But the real time implmentation of the algorithm i want to generate the input continuously that means repitively.So how do i generate the signal or waveform,if i do that i will implment the algo.. on dsp processor.
                              So,if you have any ideas how do i generate the signal or waveform on CRO using Labview please share with me.
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Message 5 of 8
If by CRO you mean an oscilliscope, that is not capable of generating any type of waveform. It is a measurement device. You've been asked a couple of times what kind of hardware you have and you said you had no hardware. How do you expect to generate a waveform? A BNC-2120 is just a dumb terminal block and can't generate a signal either. Before you worry about reading an external file, you should think about the basics.
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Message 6 of 8
I am sorry for not being quite clear in question.I want to generate the waveform by using some Labview simulation.And i want  to check it on Oscilloscope.
Is there any simulation possible in labview for  this aspect???
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Message 7 of 8
How can you expect to get a software simulated signal to a scope without any hardware to physically generate a signal. Do you think the signal can magically jump from pc memory to the voltage input of the scope?
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Message 8 of 8