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Error when importing entire folder with many logs

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I came across an error when trying to import an entire folder containing 118 logs (total size 63 MB), created by and imported to Signal Express 2012 (version 6.0.0).


After about 80 of them have been imported without problem the error, shown in the attached file, is displayed.

The remaining log files can be opened one by one after SE have been restarted so there are apparently no problems with the files. 

My path to the folder containing the log files are 81 characters long. I also tried a shorter path with only 9 characters but it didn't help.


Seems like it's a bug in SE. Is there a workaround?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hi JockeR,


The error message indicates that at least one TDMS file in your log folder was not generated by SignalExpress. SignalExpress 2012 can only import TDMS files generated by SignalExpress itself.


There is a utility on which can convert the non-SignalExpress TDMS into SignalExpress TDMS. Check it out here:

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Thanks for your quick reply.

However, as I said, the files are created using SignalExpress 2012 so it seems strange to me that I can't import them into the same version of the software. Also, they can be imported one by one without problems but I get the error when I try to import all 118 logs using the "Current folder" button of the import dialog.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

I dropped 118 "CreateAnalogSignal" steps and took as a record. I could import log folder with these 118 log files with SigX2012 at a time. Not sure what happens to your log files.


BTW, do you still have the original project that recorded your log. You could also try importing the log from the project.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi JockeR,


Did you still have the problem on importing your log? I wonder if it is O.K. to you to send us your log files. That would help us to find the root cause and improve the SignalExpress.

If you are O.K., please upload your log zip file by dragging it to in IE.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Yes I still have problems importing the logs.

I've tried to connect to your FTP using IE, Windows Explorer and the Core FTP software but can't get in. Seems like I don't have permission to connect.

A zip-file containing all logs and the project file has a total size of about 8 MB. Should I try to email it to you?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Yes, please send it to my email then.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Accepted by topic author JockeR

It turned out to be a bug in SigX2012. SigX opened the TDMS file handle but failed to close it during the importing. So when loading 118 logs at one time, SigX reaches the memory limitation.


As to SigX2012, we have a workaround for you. Split the logs by half and each folder contains 59 logs. Launch SigX and import logs from one folder, then save the project to disk and exit SigX. Relaunch SigX and load the project you just saved and import the other log folder. Let me know if this works on your side.


Again, thanks for reporting the bug to us.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Yes, that works. Thank you!

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Message 9 of 9