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Tektronix edition - Log import

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Hi all,


I've got a problem, which I can't solve on my own, so I'm asking your help.


I've got the softwareprogram: SignalExpress Tektronix edition v2.5.1

Now in this program you got the option to record your measurements, wonderful!

But I accidentely deleted one of my files and I can't remeasure it anymore.


What happend: I pressed on the delete button for a couple of file (one to much..) and removed them from the project (left on the disk).

Now I wan't to get back one of those files, but it just won't work...

When I try to import the file like: "Logged Signals From Another Project" then it just won't see any file so I tried the other option:

"Logged Signals from SignalExpress TDMS Files…" (see:

I can see the files now, but still can't load them into my project.

I'm getting an error: "You cannot choose this folder name; a file of that name already exists" then (see figure)

But there aren't any log files named like that. even tried with a blank project, still same result.


probleem logfiles.PNG



































How to fix this? because I really need that data.


Kind regards,




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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Dennis1001

Hello Dennis,


It seems like you selected a specific file instead of a folder.


In the pop-up message they mention:


"Choose a folder that contains tdms file"

So when you're in the right folder, you should choose/click "Current Folder" instead of selecting a specific tdms-file.


Can you try this?

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
Message 2 of 4

Wow I missed that completely!

Thanks a lot, thats the solution!

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Message 3 of 4

Thanks for letting us know!


Can you mark this post as resolved?

This way other forum visitors can also easily find posts that contain solutions.

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
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