South East Michigan LabVIEW User Group

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LabVIEW Shirts

At NI Week this year I was talking to a few at NI about LabVIEW shirts.  I'm a big fan of LabVIEW (duh) and so I try to wear NI and LabVIEW shirts to work throughout the week to show my support, and open dialog to those that might see me wear a shirt but not know what LabVIEW is or how I use it.

One issue I saw was that some times the free promotional shirts that NI gives out isn't really the type I like to wear, or a style that is appropriate for an office setting.  T-Shirts are great for the weekend, but honestly I need something with a collar for the week days.  So after talking to a few at NI I got permission to get a collection of shirts, send them to Austin, where NI will put the LabVIEW embroidering on the left side, usually above the pocket if there is one, then they will send them back to Michigan.

At the moment NI says there will be an $8 cost to put the embroidering on a shirt, but the larger the order, the more that cost will decrease.  And on top of that the person I spoke to said they would talk to corporate about getting the cost subsidized.  So what I am saying is if you have a shirt, and you want it to be upgraded to a LabVIEW shirt, the cost would be at most $8.  Of course you can buy new shirts too, which is what I'm doing.  I can take care of the shipping, but we are going to need some kind of dead line and I think the best option would be the next user group.

So I want a discussion going, is this a good idea?  Do you want more LabVIEW shirts?  Attached is an example of a cowboy type shirt that I like that NI put the LabVIEW logo on.  Sound off if you are interested, and how many you would want, this is not an offical order taking thread just curious.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

Good idea. I personally dont have a need or interest in this right now

though. Thought i would throw my support at this

Jordan McBain, PhD
LabVIEW Controls Engineer
Revolutionary Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Put me down for two - especially if you're getting the new shirts

Copyright © 2004-2023 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

I would definitely be interested! Probably 2 shirts just like the one you show. I like wearing men's shirts, I'm not picky.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Yeah at the moment I'm not sure I want to be the one to sign up for taking the orders of the shirts, just the embroidering.  There are different styles, and sizes not knowing if it fits right, and what not.  I'd rather people just give me a pile of shirts and I take care of it.  Even then I need to keep track of which ones belong to who.  That being said if we could agree on a site to get them I could be interested.  Really I just went to Kohls and bought a bunch on clearance.  About $12 each in a decent variety.

Oh and here's an update, apparently my daughter found my shirt and likes it too.


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Message 5 of 18

I have no problem obtaining my own shirts. Everyone can safety pin a piece of cloth with their name on it to the collar (paper may rip off). If you're willing to take care of shipping them for embroidery, pick a site that is convenient for you and we can all take care of getting them to the site.

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Message 6 of 18

Okay well I think what would work, is for those that care about this, to gather shirts by whatever means you want, from wherever you want.  Then at the next user group meeting I can collect the shirts, money, and contact information.  I'll of course update this discussion if I get more information, and contact the proper owners when they come back.

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Message 7 of 18

Sounds good. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

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Message 8 of 18

Brian Hoover wrote:

Okay well I think what would work, is for those that care about this, to gather shirts by whatever means you want, from wherever you want.  Then at the next user group meeting I can collect the shirts, money, and contact information.  I'll of course update this discussion if I get more information, and contact the proper owners when they come back.

That's not until 11/11 (@11AM) according to the current schedule. How long will it take to process?

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Message 9 of 18

I have no clue on turn around time.  Someone at NI just said "send me shirts", and I said "Okay".  I just figured this would be the best way to get a large collection together since we will be getting together anyway.

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Message 10 of 18