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SCXI 1161 Connecting Problems

Hey Everyone,

I have a slight problem that I have noticed that has started to arise lately.  I have recently upgraded myNI Switch software to version 3.3.1 and I am using many of those functions to control my SCXI 1161.  Lately I have been unable to get the 1161 to close and open the relay like it should.  I used the attached VI to activate and deactivate the relays every second, but they would connect once, and never disconnect. No errors were generated.  I could re-write them using lower level controls and use the NISwitch Relay Control, but I'd rather not.

Besides hearing them not click, I also used the DAQmx Switch Get Relay Position (Multiple), to see the current status of my relays.  (For general FYI, I am using the SCXI 1600, SCXI 1161, SCXI 1127, and the SCXI 1161.)

Anyone else have a simular problem out there?
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Update:  I have it working just fine using the NI Switch Relay Control vi's, but I still have no luck with the the NI Switch Connect Channel or the NI Switch Disconnect Channel.  They still work for the SXCI 1169, so maybe just the SCXI 1161 can't use them anymore?
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Message 2 of 5
Hello drewsky,

Thank you for your post and example program. I just happen to have an SCXI 1161 here in my lab and I tried out your example program. (Test_SCXI_1161.vi) The behavior is exactally as you describe. You here one click and then nothing else. The reason for this is the 1161 is a SPDT relay. So when you disconect NO2 from COM2 it is not connecting it to NC2 it simply just stays in the previous state or in your case the NO2 and COM2 connection. It realeases it in software so that you are free to make other connections but does not physically move the relay position. The relay has to be in either the NO or NC state. If you take a look at the program below, it will switch between NO2 and NC2 and then you will hear a "click" every 1 second.

Please post back if you have any more questions at all.

Message 3 of 5

Hi drewsky,

I am simply posting to reiterate that what you experienced is expected behavior for a SPDT switch module.

Let us know if you have further questions!

Chad Erickson
Switch Product Support Engineer

Message 4 of 5
Wow, you're exactly right.  That thought never even crossed my mind.  Thanks soo much guys!

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