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How to create tags from TestStand

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I'm a french student so please don't mind my language mistakes. It might be easy but I'm a newbie, I want to create tags using TestStand. My tags would retrieve the UUT SerialNumber, the running state, the number of passed tests, and other variables I have not decided yet.

I tried to figure out how the TestMonitor interfaced with TestStand and found NI_TestMonitorClient.seq but it's in .NET so I'm stuck, can you please help me?



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Message 1 of 4

If you have the SystemLink Client installed on your test system, you can simply enable the SystemLink Reporting plugin and it will automatically publish a tag with the current status, which includes properties for the UUT and other attributes.


Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 10.36.43 AM.png

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Message 2 of 4

Thank you, but I would like to use them on the Dashboard builder

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author nandiouioui

There currently isn't a way to directly publish tags from TestStand that I'm aware of, however you can use the ones that are generated out of the box to create a dashboard like the following.


In addition, you can create a LabVIEW VI that publishes tags, which you could then easily call from TestStand to publish additional tags.

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