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Skyline Tag error. Error copying files.

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Creating tags into my program results in a compilation error.

The error is the following:



After going through the examples in the example finder, I wanted to include the files in my program.

I copied the Write Multiple Tags into my project.

Changed some variables in order to get one tag from my program and then tried to compile it.

When compiling the error above comes up.


I am compiling on a Windows 10 machine and will try to deploy it into a cRIO-9030

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Message 1 of 7

Just to double check do you have the NI SystemLink Client installed on your RT target and what version of LabVIEW are you using?

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Message 2 of 7

Normally, that build error shouldn't happen with the default settings for a build specification. To help determine the cause, would you be able to enable AppBuilder logging and rebuild? To do that, you would open the LabVIEW.ini file next to LabVIEW.exe (in your case, that appears to be C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015). At the bottom of the INI file, add



Then build your application again (no need to restart LabVIEW after editing the INI), and you should find a log file next to your lvproj named something like "My Project My Build Specification build log.txt". You can attach that log here or send it to me in a message and hopefully it'll tell us why AppBuilder is having this issue.

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Message 3 of 7

pspangler: the file log is attached to this reply. MainVI build log.txt


joshuap: I have attached a picture that shows systemlink client is installed on the target.



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Message 4 of 7

Thank you for the log file. It appears that the build error happens because a flag is missing from the build specification that isn't intended to be editable. Specifically, on the Destinations page, the "Preserve disk hierarchy" checkbox should be disabled and checked for the startup.rtexe destination. But in your case, it's unchecked. Is it possible you might have edited the lvproj file by hand or used a script on it at some point?


Regardless of what caused it, you should be able to resolve the build error by creating a new build specification and adding your source files again.

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Message 5 of 7

I tried creating a new build and got another error.

"Error 6 occurred at ->"

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: Generic file I/O error.

I tried the solutions suggested on this page without success.

The old build does not get error 6 but gets the one mentioned previously

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Message 6 of 7
Accepted by topic author RaulPerez

Okay, I think we understand what's happening now. There's a checkbox on the Advanced page of the build specification that causes the original error you were getting, so now we at least know how that happened. The error 6 you are getting now is most likely due to path length limitations. The two main workarounds are to either check that same box on the Advanced page, which isn't an option in this case, or change the "Local destination directory" on the Information page to something shorter, such as C:\builds.


There's a little more information in this KB, which also shows the checkbox that will lead back to your original error.

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Message 7 of 7