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Resolution problems on hardware not allowing LabVIEW .exe to run

I have built a distribution for my application, and it runs fine on any computer that has the correct resolution in which the application was programmed on. HOwever, when I try to run my .exe on a compuer with a lower resolution, the plugins in my applicastion will not load.

I am using the UI framework example, modified it to include my own plugins, and it runs and builds fine on any computer with a resolution greater than 1280 X 1024 pixels.

I programmed the application on a laptop that has a great video card and monitor, programmed the application on resolution settings of 1920 X 1200 pixels.

Once again, the .exe runs great on any PC and monitor combo that has a resolution setting greater than 1280 X 1024, but trying to run the .exe on a PC that has the highest setting of 1280 X 1024, my plugin screens that should appear in my subpanes are not showing up or loading at all.

Does anybody have a reason for this?  Perhaps my plugins have the VI setting too high, which exceeds the 1280 X

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Message 1 of 5

I guess I type too fast, and couldn’t figure out how to edit my first question.

I think I may have my plugin VIs minimum size setting outside the range of a 1280 X 1024 setting, which is why the plugins won’t load. The main panel which has the subpanel in which the plugins load does appear, but I can’t get past my initialization screen into my plugins.

It works great on a high resolution monitor and video card, but no work on small resolution monitors and video cards.

I tried to ensure all the VIs have the resize to match computer resolution checked, and also scaling all VIs to fit into subpanels, but last thing I did not check was the actual minimum size of each of my plugin VIs.

Was thinking about setting them all to minimum size of 0, 0 to ensure they could all shrink to fit the resolutions of other PCs.

At any rate, seems I can only run my software on resolution sizes that are big. Is this because I programmed the app at a resolution size of 1920 X 1200?

If anybody has a quick solution to this, would be greatly appreciated!



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Message 2 of 5

Why do you have your sub VI's set to a larger size?  If I understand if you take your high resolution development system and set the screen resolution to say VGA then you ought to be able to create the problem on your development computer.  What I am trying to get at is to divide the problem from the screen resolution to other app builder issues.

LeMur Technology Services, LLC
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Message 3 of 5

I took your advice, GleMunyan, and separated the problem.

I looked over all of my plugin VIs and all front panel VIs are now within limits of the resolution of the video card and monitor hardware I am trying to run on. Ensured I had no mistakes in any of the behavior characteristics of those VIs also. So I am comfortable with the settings applied to all front panel VIs.

My main.VI and initializing subpanel VI seems to run fine, but I do have plugin VIs in a source distribution build which also populate the subpanel on my main based on menu choices. Perhaps there is something screwy with the build specs, but I looked over all properties for my executable, source distributions, and installer build specs and I can’t see anything that blatantly says, "Check me and all will work!”

I also looked over the known issues for LabVIEW 2012 which I am using and can’t find any bugs about my situation.

I am building my apps using XP, and trying to run on a Windows 7 box, but as soon as I change the monitor on the Windows 7 box to a big monitor with lots of resolution, I have no problems and the app works just fine.  As soon as I switch back to the old monitor with 1280 X 1024 max resolution, I see my problem.

I tried to replicate the problem on my workstation, changing the resolution settings to a lower resolution, and the app still works fine, granted I can’t see all of it, but it works fine, plugins load.

Any ideas?

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Message 4 of 5

I'm not familier with the framweok you are using. Does it have any error handling? What errors are reported when the plugins are trying to load? Put down some error handlers in different places to trap any errors. There may be an error reported that will give you insight as to your problem.

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Message 5 of 5